Tagged by DarkPrincessArtist(Yes, i was that lazy to take a photo...)
1. "No" - Hamlet; 3rd act, 3rd scene, line 87
2. Sandblast - Fix Stevenson
3.4. Jackals... or owls. Owls are effing genius.
5.I don't have too many cool pics on my phone...
6. Uhhh... i really love the books by @FrauBrummer but they're german so... "That Cliché Vampire" by @xXDarkQueenXxRei is a great book that i really wanna see being updated ^^
7. In fact, i really dunno. *insert pic of band member*
8. Made a barrel roll with a sleigh as kid XD
9. A wish? Send me a professional killer so that i can finally die.
Jk, jk! XD
I'd like this whole time system to be metric as well, please. Thanks very much! Physics is killing me because of that detail...
10. Ugh! Fine!
-Scotch-Please don't be mad. None of you has to do this. Except for Jo-Jo. You have to do it.
I feel stupid... XD
Freak tried Art (5)
RandomYo. This is the fifth part. Warning: the Art's gonna get lazier as the book proceeds. Also, my Art changes pretty fast, I dunno why and I hate it. But at least I also learn quickly, right? Ha, I wish. Anyway, the character in the cover is Froi...