Oh yes, it is.
I'm not sure if I'll make her one but I kinda like her so far and I really don't have any girl OCs yet XD
I have loads of troubles with drawing girls tho.
So She's an Idea that I might use later on. For now at least.
So yeah, not much else to say.
Btw, I got my last two threads pulled and I'm telling you there are holes in my flesh thaat keep bleeding to I have to bite on pieces of bandages.
Yay. Not.
So yeah, my snickers will have to wait another week...
Freak tried Art (5)
RandomYo. This is the fifth part. Warning: the Art's gonna get lazier as the book proceeds. Also, my Art changes pretty fast, I dunno why and I hate it. But at least I also learn quickly, right? Ha, I wish. Anyway, the character in the cover is Froi...