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Trigger warning: abuse, domestic violence, homophobia

"Evan," Larry stood up to show he had authority. "Connor told us you were having trouble at home, particularly with your father. While we understand that, we can't afford to take you in. Besides, it only happened once. He could have been drunk or high. So I'm afraid we're going to have to send you back home." Evan's eyes grew in fear and Connor jumped to his feet.

 "Dad! Can't you see that Evan and his mom are in danger? We all know that we are well off enough to help Evan. Do you ever think about anyone but yourself?"

 "Connor! Don't speak to your father that way!" Cynthia yelled. Soon everyone was shouting and arguing, which made Evan feel guilty. He had already ruined his own family, he wasn't going to ruin someone else's. He got up and ran out, letting the door slam behind him.

 "Evan come back!" Connor yelled. But Evan didn't go back.


He tried to climb back in through his window, using the tree to climb higher and higher. The window was open and unlocked and the curtains were fluttering eerily like a ghost. Putting one leg into his window, he grabbed one of the tree's thicker branches for support. He knew that tree like he knew the back of his hand; his whole childhood revolved around the tree.

As he stepped into his room, he saw two familiar figures searching through his things. His mother's shoulders were hunched as she frantically looked for any sign of her missing son. Johnson on the other hand, was shaking with rage. He had smashed most of his belongings including the tree lamp his mother had given him on his birthday. When he saw Evan he smirked evilly.

 "Where were you?" 

"I-I was sleeping over at my boyfriend's house. I-it was a planned sleepover." Evan lied. 

"Johnson he's telling the truth please don't hurt him. Don't hurt my son!"

 "Heidi shut the fuck up! This is all your fault anyway, raising a good for nothing, retarded son!" Johnson pushed Heidi against the wall, hitting her.

 "No! Stop!' Evan yelled. Johnson looked Evan in the eye and pushed his pointer finger against his chest. 

"Tell me the truth Evan. Where were you?"

 "I-uh.." Evan stuttered. 

"Don't lie to me boy!" He slapped Evan which made Evan even more scared.

 "I was at my boyfriend's house," Evan said through gritted teeth. Johnson laughed.

 "I always knew you were a retard, but I'd never guess you were a retard and a faggot.  Look Heidi. Look at how fucked up your queer son is!" Evan could tell Johnson was drunk. The smell of alcohol was radiating off him. He yanked Evan's hair and smashed his face against the bedpost. His nose was bleeding but he was too scared to cry. "Get out of my house, faggot!" Johnson yelled. Heidi cried. Evan cowered against the wall. "I said get out!" Johnson yelled as Heidi shoved clothes into Evan's backpack. She handed it to Evan. 

"Sweety," she whispered "I think it's best if you leave." 

"Listen to your mother, boy," Johnson said as he grabbed Evan.

Evan didn't even realize he had been pushed out if his window until he hit the ground.

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