Dear Evan Hansen,

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Dear Evan Hansen,

You were supposed to write letters to yourself as a therapy assignment, but you are a failure and never managed to write one. So I guess this is your first and last one. Maybe if I had written the damn letters earlier I wouldn't want to kill myself. But now it's too late. I don't want to be stopped. The taste of death is inviting me and I want it more than anything in the world.

Well Evan, they were right. All those people who called you names. Freak, creep, retard, gay... all of them true. I could blame my death on anyone, but I choose to blame it on myself.

Every day the thought of ending my life crossed my mind, and sometimes I got so close to ending it... but I never did. Not until now. I don't know why this was the final push. I didn't try to kill myself when Johnson abused me nor did I try to end life when the three boys bullied me. That's because Connor was there. When I cheated on Connor, I realized why I was so horrible and wretched. I want Connor to be mad at me. I want him to hate me and say he wishes I was never born. But Connor would never say that because Connor was too kind to hate.

Trees have always calmed me. I liked how they stood tall and powerful, even though they knew they could be cut down in one swing. Ever since I was a kid, a strong tree would make me feel brave. Now I'm ending my life with a tree. I wonder if people will look up and see where I jumped from. I wonder if anyone will say "Look! He's still there. The real Evan Hansen is up there. In the treetops."

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