Chapter Eight

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When the morning came, Meredith rolled out of bed, refreshed. Harry groaned, not liking the late night. "Are you getting old?" she asked him.

"Go take a shower," he snapped.

Meredith laughed. When getting home last night, the two had climbed into bed but not to sleep. The smell of her was ignored from all the smoking. Harry didn't mind. She soaked in the shower and scrubbed her skin. Her hair needed a few good washes before she finally ran her fingers through it.

For the morning event, Meredith was up at five, and she was done with her makeup and hair by six. Sitting down in the kitchen, Harry joined her only a few minutes afterward as they ate breakfast and then left at seven. It was about an hour drive through rush-hour London until the car came to a stop in front of a center.

Crowds cheered of brightly colored costumes. Even so early in the morning, there was so much energy about, and it was contagious. A smile spread across Meredith's face, ear to ear with happiness. Harry moved into the polite mode as the two walked along the edge of the crowd.

The person in charge stated as the royal couple walked, "This center is all about self realization, especially in the young adults who are coming into themselves. Most of these people have been kicked out of their homes for being different. Here, in London, thankfully-- we have an amazing support system for LBGTQ+."

The crowds were loud again, blaring in her ears. It was disorientating. Meredith kept herself up straight and forthright. It was all better when barriers were put up like this, even though it was just rope. If people began to swarm her, Meredith wasn't sure what might happen. While cameras were out, usually with cell phones, they didn't crowd around her. She smiled kindly at the cameras and the people as she walked past. Shaking hands, cameras came close to her face. Meredith didn't back away.

After coming away from the crowds, Meredith met up with the host again and politely asked, "What are your pronouns?"

The host smiled. "Many people don't ask that. She, her, hers. And yours?"

"Same: she, her, hers," Meredith said as they walked into the event.

The new center was filled with bright colors and inclusive ideas. Positive and powerful quotes lined the walls as they walk on. Many people were met and nice things were exchanged. Little gifts, among the flowers, Meredith received, which made her arms almost crazy full. She didn't understand the constant flowers and gifts.

When back in the car after the event, Harry asked, "Are you nervous about this afternoon?"

"Yes." Meredith hadn't felt this nervous in a while. While paparazzi and the public were one thing, but his granny-- head of the monarchy and family-- was scary, especially when Meredith wanted something. Harry was comfortable with his granny, having grown up with her there. "She might say no."

"Does that scare you?"

"I don't like rejection, Harry, but I don't like boredom... so I really have lack of choice, don't I?" Dinging, Meredith's phone went off, and she checked. "Did I fuck up today?"

"No. Why?"

Meredith handed her mobile over as Meredith Rogue trended on Twitter, and it wasn't for her fashion sense. While there was praise for her work today and how she handled herself, a question had gotten people stirred.

"It was a good question to ask," Harry said, "especially at an event like this. It shows you did research."

"Or that I'm a human being and pay attention," Meredith spat. "So what's the big deal?"

Harry sighed. "Some people are not impressed with the way you acted--" Meredith snorted-- "but I am. Let other people have problems with it."

"Will the Queen have a problem with it?"

Harry handed her mobile back. "You'll have to ask her."

Returning to Kensington Palace, Meredith brushed her hair and fixed her makeup. It was a poor choice to brush out her hair, which puffed. She threw her hair into a bun as the black and sleek car pulled up for Buckingham Palace.

In the car, Meredith drummed her fingers against the window sill. Nerves made her stomach jump. Vomit threatened to come up. All this fear made Meredith have a headache. Closing her eyes, Meredith took deep breaths and tried to calm herself.

"Ma'am, we're here," the driver said.

Meredith blinked in the sunlight, and she stepped out. Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's secretary waited for her, and Meredith followed him. She waited outside a room, which felt like an eternity, until the secretary allowed her in.

The Queen sat behind her desk, and Meredith waited patiently. When the Queen's eyes came up, Meredith looked down at her feet, and the Queen motioned for Meredith to sit down. "I have been told this appointment is for your event schedule."

"Yes, your majesty. I would prefer more work, if that was possible." Meredith didn't want push it, but she wished to know more. "I realize," she rambled, "that I just started, and it's odd. And I realize what happened today, and many people are angry at me and--"

The Queen held up her hand, and Meredith clamped her mouth down. "What happened today happens. You asked a question, and it was not wrong to ask because where you were. Someone will always become upset. It is our job not to be bothered and look past it."

Meredith nodded.

"As for your request to have more duty, are you sure?"


"It can be a lot to take on, especially when planning a wedding and having training."

"I have thought much about it. I have an idea what comes next. As for the planning the wedding, in honesty, I don't... it's not that important to me. I love Harry, but I am not... I don't care what most of it looks like. I want to represent the monarchy the best way possible," Meredith said. "It also means with the princess training, and I'm improving. There are set backs, but that's how you learn." Meredith hoped it was good enough.

"Harry says you'll do almost anything for these events."

"I'm not picky."

"Why more work?"

I'm bored. "I want to show the world that the monarchy is great. I want to prove to you, ma'am, and to others that I may be different, but I can fit in well here. I can be what you like."

The Queen paused. "It is hard being what others like."

Meredith waited.

"I can see that you try hard. Ms Brown says that you have improved but more work will need to be done. Perhaps more events will do you well, Meredith. You are a hard worker. I knew it when Harry talked about you the first time." The Queen watched her soon-to-be granddaughter with an even gaze. "I must warn you, you will be able to shine within the monarchy. The monarchy must shine. We are only people in this day. We will not be remembered-- you will not be remembered."

Meredith took a deep breath. "I know."

"Yet you want to put all this time and effort into it?" she asked. "Most girls would be happy being a princess with money and jewelry."

"I have to earn it."

"More events will occur under the observation of other royals. All will be reported back. I cannot say how many or when, but they will not be largely public. The future monarchs will shine." The Queen paused. "Harry knows this to be true, and as should you: you are spares. It is harsh and wrong. Margret, my sister, often hated it, and Harry didn't like it growing up. But there is a job to be done there, and if done well: people will adorn you but they will see William as king."

"As they should."

The Queen stood. "Perhaps Charles needs a younger vision on an upcoming event. I will tell him and Ms Brown."

Meredith stood and curtsied. "Thank you, your majesty."

"At some point, you will have to stop calling me your majesty. We are family now."

Meredith didn't open her mouth, unsure what might come next.

"Now, other business," the Queen said and began to speak to Meredith about a whole list of things.

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