Chapter Nineteen

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May rolled in and the warm weather came too. April had been rainy beyond belief. London, and the whole of the United Kingdom, was known for being rainy, but it became almost a downer for Meredith. She knew the cold and snow, which happened back at university, but the rain was different. It didn't allow for any sunshine to peek through the clouds.

Thankfully May brought some sunshine and lots of beautiful flowers. Kensington Gardens were brought to life with deep purples and blues, bright yellows and pinks, and the lovely greens that were cast in vines and bushes.

During an off day, Meredith walked through the gardens as tourists lounged about, loving the warm weather. When eyes fell on her, which they did often, Meredith kept her head hung and eyes to the ground, and no one thought differently. Meredith just happened to forget her ring inside.

She slipped back through the gates and into the flat as Harry walked into the living room. He gave her a smirk and asked, "Where have you been?"

Meredith shrugged. "Around."

"You went outside."

"Not a soul noticed. Why do you think that is?" While it didn't pain her, sometimes it happened where people just didn't know it was her. With Harry, people knew immediately. With Catherine, people knew immediately. "Am I plain?"

"No." Harry kissed her cheek. "You are anything but plain. Perhaps you look... normal."

She scoffed. "Compared to you, ginger lad?" Harry knew she only kidded; Meredith loved his ginger hair. "Where are you going? You don't have an event this afternoon."

"Borough Market," Harry said slyly. "I wondered if you wanted to come."

"To the market?" she asked. "Will it be just us?"

"Bill and Bella are coming."

Meredith rolled her eyes. "It's been a while since you've been there, and you chose today of all days."

"We're coming up on the two year mark of those terrorist attacks in London and in Manchester. The fire at the Grenfell Tower," he listed.

"Yeah, it was a shit year."

Meredith remembered it because she always knew Harry was safe since he had amazing security, but she was scared it might be him. It was irrational. There was that fear that he might be there and he might be one of the victims. It was the same fear Harry had toward Meredith when she did things, so she understood the irrationality of it. Even then, she knew London was massive and it was very rare Harry might be at that moment, but the fear was there.

When anytime there was a terrorist attack or something massive in the United Kingdom, her dad Facetimed her and made sure Meredith was okay.

"Are you coming?" Harry had such hope in his eyes.

"Did you really think I was going to say no?" Any chance to go outside was a chance to walk freely for Meredith. "Do I get to wear what I like?"

"Please don't dress like a stripper, but yes."

Meredith almost hit him for that. "I'll be back." Since she had an event this morning, her hair and makeup were still done. She elected to bring down her hair, letting it curl at her shoulders. Upon getting home, she became comfy, which was still nice clothes. Glancing through her closet, she chose a pair of nice jeans and a nicer shirt, floral to fit in with the flowers, but it was dark to match her soul.

Walking over, Meredith put in earrings and stared at her rings. She slipped off her old rings, and her engagement ring rested on the dresser. Grabbing it, she went downstairs, sliding it onto her finger.

"Oh no!" Harry called. "That's my job." Dropping to a knee, he took her hand and slipped the ring off. "Meredith Rogue, will you marry me?"

"Yes." She didn't know what Harry was after, and he asked her how she preferred the proposal to have went, but she didn't have much of thoughts.

At a young age, she wished for it to be done on the London Eye during the New Year's fireworks. But that was when she was young. Now, it didn't matter too much to her. The way he did it was spontaneous, and never was it expected by Meredith, not that it was expected much from Harry. By the time New Year's rolled around again, they were going to be married, so little that did to help.

Standing up again, Harry kissed her hand, and they were off.

Borough Market was less than five minutes away from Meredith, which meant Meredith could take a train and walk for part of it, but with Harry, it was a twenty minute drive. With both Bodyguard Bill and Bodyguard Bella around them, safety came naturally.

For the first few feet, no one's fell upon them, but as soon as one person whipped out a phone, all of them had their mobiles out. Harry squeezed Meredith's hand as she leaned against him, a smile pasted on her face. It was natural and calm, where her nose didn't scrunch and her eyes didn't peel because of her massive cheeks-- just liked Jessica Brown taught her. While Meredith's actual smile did appear at home, in public it never showed.

Walking along the stalls, cupcakes caught her eye and her sweet tooth, and Harry had no choice but to follow. It only took a few minutes until paparazzi showed up, and by then, they moved onto another stall. It wasn't just all food inside the Borough Market, but it definitely lifted spirits and brought people inside. It was hand crafted jewelry and trinkets. The Borough Market was partially tourism, but mostly a show of London's force and creativity.

After getting a few things and saying hello to even more people, it was time to go, if there was a way to get out. Harry had returned since almost two years ago when the Borough Market reopened after the terrorist attack. He had even taken Meredith to a pub in here once. He didn't have much freedom, and when he did, he enjoyed in with calm. But here in London, he liked to see the resilience among people, especially Londoners.

With one last wave, the royal couple got back into their car and disappeared.

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