Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The person who had the most anxiety about this whole thing was Jessica, as she calculated how the world might take the loss of Meredith's mother in such a way. Harry kept an eye on Meredith, and she hated it. With every roll of the eyes and annoyed sigh, Harry knew. Yet he didn't look away. He wanted Meredith to know he was there, like she had been. It was odd to have the roles reversed so quickly.

Meredith had a bad feeling a few days back, and it had caught up to them. Harry had thought it was Jack, and now he wished it had been Jack Campbell. 

The news was kept under wraps as long as it could be, which gave at least enough time to get back to Minnesota. It all meant that Meredith's father didn't say anything to anyone.

Upon reaching her old home, Meredith rushed her father. His arms curled around her, kissing her cheek and squeezing her. He whispered in her ears, and Meredith nodded along.

Feeling uncomfortable, Harry helped move things into the house. Bodyguard Bill had already been speaking with the police of the city, whom were now aware of the oncoming situation. The numbers weren't known, as the couple would ask for privacy, but it was all Jessica's job. Harry was meant to be there for Meredith.

Coming back downstairs, Harry noticed Meredith and her father in a heated discussion through their hands. Her face wore confusion. Her father was relaxed until Meredith motioned something. It all ended as Meredith slammed her hand down on the table and stormed off. Her father leaned back in the seat and looked out the window.

Jessica glanced over but said nothing. Taking a deep breath, Harry went after Meredith.

Up in her childhood bedroom, Meredith unpacked her belongings. He didn't need to ask, as she explained, "He wants to do it publicly, and I tried to explain to him why that's a bad idea. But he won't listen. He's stuck with this dumb idea in his head that it needs to be public and open. Paparazzi and everyone will get in," she rambled. "I'm sure he'll see in a few days when all the paparazzi and everyone show up, and we can't get a goddamn moment of peace."

"Mere, please take some deep breaths." Harry stepped beside her. "I can speak to your father if it would be helpful."

"No. I'll do it. I'll make him understand." She swallowed.

Brute force wasn't a good option, but Meredith wanted to protect her father. Even now, her eyes shifted outside with her curtain open, just waiting for paparazzi to show up in the yard. Soon after getting engaged to Prince Harry, Meredith told her father to built a fence around the property, but he never got around to it. This was the perfect time to have a fence. She didn't always enjoy gates and fences, but it was something Meredith had gotten to know well.

"I don't have much room anywhere, but where do you want your things?" she asked.

"Anywhere is fine." Harry kept his voice soft. "Mere, please tell me if there's anything that I can help with."

"Can you move these next days faster? Can you help me forget this? Can you help me care a bit more?" Meredith asked. Stopping, she faced Harry. "You're going to have to remind me to be human."

He understood the meaning. She didn't do well at showing feelings, which had caused some distress.

"I know Jessica is preparing for the worst," Meredith said, "but do you think we will be bothered? Do you think people will flock to see us?"

"I hope not, but we can be so sure. The paparazzi have followed you before. There's a... weird interest about you."

Meredith arched an eyebrow. "Oh, I know. But why? Is it because I'm American? It's some foreign and far off person." The smile came easily, like she forgot where she was and why she was here. "Perhaps it's because I'm so tall; they're confused. Or, maybe, it's because I'm super sassy and that means I'm rude."

"Could be the last one?" Harry suggested.

"It could be." Meredith tilted her head back and smiled at him. "It's a possibility." Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him close.

"It is." Harry held her tightly. "It'll get easier. Perhaps it won't fully get better, because sometimes I don't feel like it's gotten better. But, Mere, I don't know," he said honesty. "I think it's different for everyone, so no one even knows. They can say they understand but they don't. When someone loses a parent, it's different for everyone. It's different you and me."

"I know," Meredith murmured. People had different relationships between parents and children, because of this, no one quite understood but the people involved. A tear dripped from her eye and ran into Harry's shirt. "Sorry." She tried to brush it off.

"It's only a shirt."

"A shirt that costs too much money."

"I have to represent."

Meredith smiled sadly.

"It's not my favorite shirt," Harry said. "It's okay if it gets ruined. I have many like it."

"What's your favorite shirt?"

"Any of the shirts you've ever gotten me."

"So a sports shirt that you can barely wear in public."

"Not true."

"Ah, yeah true, like super true."

"I've worn the Minnesota Twins shirt before."

"I need to take you to a game." She sighed. "Maybe there is something good about this. I can finally show you things that I haven't before. You can meet other people, and you can go to a Twins game. There has to be something good about this."

Harry nodded. "I would love to see Minnesota."

"Hey, I may even show you Superior when it's not so fucking cold."

Surprise came across his face. "And here I thought it was always cold in Superior."

"We just tell people that to keep the tourists away. We just want all the tourists to go to Duluth, because if the find out about Wisconsin Point, they're going to flock there. Then it's going to be like Canal Park all over again. Wisconsin Point is too beautiful for that."

"I remember it well." It was where Harry proposed to her, rather he accidentally proposed to her. It was spontaneous. Lifting up her hand, Harry got a good look at the engagement ring on her finger. It gleamed in the light. "It would be nice to see it in summer."

"We'll probably have to invite Kyra," Meredith joked.

Harry opened his mouth, but a knock came to the door. Bella glanced in shyly. "Ma'am, your father is asking for you."

"I'm coming." Meredith kissed Harry on the cheek and went back downstairs.

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