Chapter Sixteen

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Walking up, Harry felt Meredith still sleeping. She was still wit her chest moving up and down with ease. Her eyes fluttered behind her eyelids, which happened every early morning. Every morning she woke up, she complained about the dream that she had been pulled from. As Harry's eyes watched Meredith's eyes flutter, he wondered what she dreamt about today. Granted, it wasn't always good. Her dreams were vivid, but if it was bad, he was going to know about it while she slept.

It was hard for Meredith to get used to, Harry knew, was the light. In winter, there wasn't much sun because the United Kingdom was so far north. As the days grew longer, he hoped it might get better for her. For now, her body was off, confused by the such weird daylight hours.

This was the life, Harry also knew: waking up beside Meredith. He had waited so long, and their holidays were so short. He didn't know how he made it through. It was a lot of throwing himself into work and events. Meredith had her own life in northern Wisconsin, so she wasn't concerned with him. His life, here in London, was just in waiting for her to be here. Now that she was, he wanted to giver her everything.

Rolling over, Meredith peeked through her eyelashes and saw Harry was awake. "How much time do I have until the alarm clock goes off?"

Harry glanced at the clock. "Three minutes."

"I still have time." Closing her eyes and curling into Harry, Meredith tried to go back to sleep. It wasn't half a minute later when Meredith's peeked through her eyelashes again, and she groaned, cozying up to him more.

Harry patted down her hair. "Good morning, anyway."

"Is it?" Meredith rolled onto her back and stretched out. Immediately a chill came to her, and she pulled the blankets around her. "I have an event today with your granddad."

"That'll be fun."

"I probably shouldn't wear any short skirts." Meredith felt groggy yet. "I'll be outside yet, and it's windy here."

"It's better than Superior."

"A lot of places are better than Superior." Sitting up, Meredith tilted her head right and left. Her bones creaked. Her back ached. Her head pounded. She needed more sleep, but last night was good. There certainly wasn't any regret there. Leaning over, Meredith kissed Harry on the lips. "Good morning."

He smiled. "What were you dreaming about?"

Meredith shrugged. "Who knows. One thing or another, I'm sure." She stood. In all the honesty, most times she didn't remember. It was usual the nightmares that stuck with her. "I need a shower."

Harry popped up and leaned against his shoulder with the covers off, exposing his wonderful self. "Would you like company?"

Meredith smiled sweetly at him. "I would like coffee."

Groaning, Harry laid back in bed. "Your wish is my command."

Standing in the bathroom doorway, she leaned against the door frame, pursing her lips. "Really?" she asked.

Harry blue eyes slid over to her. "Depends. What do you want?"

Meredith had a few ideas, like the world, but it was all in time. With a mysterious smirk, she forgot about the shower and jumped back into bed, pouncing on Harry. Her lips met his, and he chuckled. She flung him over and gained the upper hand. Hovering above him, her fingers ran across his ginger haired chest. Harry tried to arch upward, but she pushed him back down. She knew what he wanted, as she, too, was completely naked.

"Careful there," she warned. "No unwanted pregnancies in the monarchy."

"We'll move up the wedding date," he promised.

She rolled her eyes. "Come now. We agreed. No children until at least the second year of marriage."

Harry wasn't even disappointed. "More you and me time." This time, he did arch up, but it was only his lips that touched her. His fingers were next, sliding up her body and reaching for her hands. His fingers interlaced with hers.

He chuckled, but Meredith pushed away. "Your breath smells," she complained.

"So does yours. What's the point?" He kissed her again.

"It's gross." She pushed back and fell against the bed, bouncing slightly. Sheets and blankets piled around them. Harry laid against the bed again, watching his fiancee intently. "What?" Meredith demanded.

"Beautiful isn't the right word to describe you."

"How about mediocre?" she asked. "That's good enough."

"No," he groaned, climbing closer, but Meredith kept her legs closed. She didn't want him getting any ideas. Harry laid on the bed, parallel with her, and he didn't make any movements toward her. "Gorgeous. Stunning. Marvelous. Extraordinary."

"Ha!" she laughed. "It's only because I let you fuck me."


"Really? You hadn't been missing my body, Harry." While some grown up fun time did happen occasionally, not as much anymore. Now that they lived together, the need wasn't so great, even though it was fun. "Did you find it enjoyable?"

Harry blushed.

"Oh, was I that good?"

"You were..." he tried to find a word to fix it, "a delight."

"Fuck off," Meredith laughed. It wasn't what she was going for, but she would take it.

"And I?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Not to shabby for a man who's going to die soon."

"Excuse me," Harry said, "I have another few years under my belt. I'm not that old yet."

Meredith rolled her eyes and then the rest of her body to face him. A chill worked its way up her spine, making her shake. The whole bed shook too. A light came through the windows, blessing her skin, and illuminating the little blonde hair across her body. She smiled with her face in the blankets. It was so sweet and simple, and she relaxed. Tension flew out of her. She was anew.

"What?" she asked. "Will it be another proclamation of my beauty?"

"How about a proclamation of your intelligence?"

"While I might enjoy that on a normal basis, I am naked in your bed, Harry." Her fingers slid across his face. "I want to hear how beautiful I am. I want to know how much you love me."

"Is that really a question?" Harry kissed her fingertips. "How much I love you?"

"How much do you love me?"

Harry smiled. "Guess."

"A lot?"

"More than that," he said.

"Hmm..." she thought. "Heaps? Loads? Galore?"

"So close," Harry said.

"A great deal? A bunch?" Meredith asked.

Harry's hand outreached and his fingers rang through her blonde hair. "More than any words can describe. I love you that much."

Princess in Training (Prince Harry #3)Where stories live. Discover now