Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The paparazzi began to show up the next day, like moths to a flame. The police were deployed, and suddenly identification was needed to get into the neighborhood. None of this was helpful when Meredith or company tried to leave the neighborhood, only to be followed. Also, with the news of her mother's untimely death, which the cause hadn't been released to the public, long lost relatives suddenly appeared. Her dad suddenly became annoyed as Meredith had to ask about all the family members, but it did weed out some of the impostors. Anyone who wanted to get into the funeral needed a proper invitation, which had been sent out quickly.

Dressing in black clothes for the day, it was going to be hot in the Catholic church. No one in her family was particularly religious, and Meredith had made the "transition" to Church of England already. Her father remained the most religious. The funeral was only taking place a few days her mother's death, and it was meant to come that quickly.

"Is that Cath and Wills on TV?" Meredith asked loudly as the news rolled on. The anchor went onto say that the young couple had gone out for another night out in a popular spot in London, and paparazzi just happened to be out.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, they were going out for the past few nights."

"I thought they were in Balmoral."

"They went back to London."

"They don't go out much, Harry." Meredith arched an eyebrow. "Is there a reason they're going out so much now?"

"Some paparazzi stayed back to photograph them."

"Remind me to thank them when we get home." She managed to keep her voice steady even though tears burned her eyes from them doing this.

While it sometimes felt like Meredith wasn't part of the family, this proved that she was. Catherine and William went out of their way, going back to London and purposely lure the paparazzi out. At least Catherine and William were the future Queen and King, while the obsession over Meredith was just fun for the paparazzi. Yet to make things easier on Meredith, they did this for her.

Meredith fixed herself up real nice with a bun in her hair and her makeup done lightly. Harry promised there was to be security here today, but she didn't know how it would handle. Hopefully there weren't many people, but everyone wanted Meredith.

Asking herself this many times, Meredith didn't know why it was her. Harry and her made jokes. Only assumptions could be made. In many ways, people weren't supposed to like Meredith because she wasn't "good enough" for Harry, especially people who loved his mother. With her face on the magazines and newspapers, they sold.

Arriving at the church to set up, Meredith and her father spoke through their hands. Harry tried to get the hang of American Sign Language, and he had some of it going for him. But when they signed that quickly, there was no way for him to know. Harry knew that Meredith sighed, "Where do you want me to put this?" But her father's response made no sense to Harry.

When Meredith gave home, she gave him directions and it all became clear. Pictures were set up over there, and her urn was in the front. All the flowers had been brought over from the funeral home and had been set out. Her friends and family members practically littered the place. The smell made Meredith want to vomit.

Harry placed the flowers about, but Meredith said, "More over there. I have to stand there when people come, and I don't want to deal with it." Harry moved the flowers over, and Meredith responded, "Good. Now there won't be such of a hold up."

"Will there be a hold up?"

"Well, whoever wants to speak with my father and doesn't do ASL will come to me, so that's at least a minute of translating back and forth. And people will stop to look at the pictures," Meredith rambled. "If we can thin out the crowd, the better."

"Then they'll go into the actual church."

"Exactly. We don't need them all mulling around."

"Why?" Harry cocked a smile. "You're so good at small talk."

Meredith had all the best stories to tell when it came to gatherings with people. Usually stuck at the end of the line, whenever someone higher up on the pecking order stopped to talk to someone they knew, Meredith had to entertain with the guest a bit more. "I might be, but it doesn't mean I enjoy it."

"The other person always leaves joking."

"It would be really awkward if they didn't laugh at my jokes."

"I know you'd laugh at your own jokes anyway."

"I can't help it that I'm hilarious." Meredith moved the flowers again and straightened everything up, though it had been done a hundred times. "Who buys flowers like these? They smell terrible."

Harry thought they smelt nice. "How do you want the pictures set up?"

"Off to the side, in front of the doors."

He did just that. Before long, his blue eyes came up as he saw people begin to arrive. A few cars pulled into the parking lot. "Mere."

Meredith glanced over and saw the cars too. The police had arrived an hour ago to keep watch, and Bella was by the door, checking the invitations. Bodyguard Bella had given a very specific list of people of people allowed in and people not allowed on. All the usual paparazzi had their names on the not-allowed-in list with matching pictures.

Motioning to her father, he moved over to the door.

Coming over, Meredith stood beside Harry for a second. "I think Rachel and Chloe and Kyra are coming today, so at least you'll know a few faces."

"Your family is coming, and I at least know some of them too."

"Oh, the girls are going to be so sad that they can't have you all to themselves."

"Did they want me all to themselves?"

"Probably." Coming close to him, she looked him in the eyes and gave him a smile. "I know I do."

"Ma'am?" Bodyguard Bella called, motioning to the people coming inside. Meredith's father was by the door but had problems communicating with the people coming inside. Meredith went over and dealt with it.

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