Chapter Thirteen

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Pacing outside the room, the floor creaked under every step Meredith took. The Queen wasn't ready to see her yet, which was fine seeing their appointment was meant to be in a few hours. For now, Meredith wore down the red carpet, where prime ministers and other dignitaries had stood too. While a red velvet chair was provided, Meredith didn't know how to sit still, even as the Queen's butler looked on.

"Ma'am," he said, "can I perhaps get you anything?"

"No." Meredith rung out her fingers, cracking her knuckles.

"Her Majesty will be with you as soon as possible."

"Let her take her time." Meredith knew the Queen wasn't going to shift around her schedule for her, and Meredith was fine with that. "I need time to think."

"Perhaps a nice cup of tea then."

I hate tea, but Meredith said nothing. Near the door, Bodyguard Bella watched intently, her face neutral. "Thank you," Meredith said, and the butler went off. "You spoke to Bill?"

"Yes. He's keeping an eye out at His Royal Highness Prince Harry's event today," Bella stated. "As well, I notified the head of security at all royal residences. We do not know what Jack Campbell wants."

That was an understatement. Meredith sat down on the chair and stopped fidgeting. A part of her needed to move, but Meredith focused on her breathing. She pasted a smile to her face. Nothing was wrong. Bella questioned nothing. Slowly, Meredith placed one ankle behind the other and laid her hands across the lap, like she was taught. She stationed herself this way, back straight and waited.

Her back sore and mouth dry, Meredith stood as her name was called to see the Queen, and she followed him in. Curtsying, Meredith didn't even tilt this time. While her body felt ready to fall over, Meredith found herself strong. "Your majesty."

"You're early."

"I thank you for taking me early."

"I had nothing better to do." The Queen took a drink of her tea. "You're good entertainment." Motioning for her to sit down, Meredith sat across from the Queen. "What do I owe this honor for you to be here so soon?"

Taking a deep breath, Meredith recounted what happened. "I wouldn't be worrying you with this if I didn't think there was danger to Harry."

"Danger to yourself, perhaps?"

"I fear more for Harry," Meredith admitted. "While Jack Campbell may be more focused getting to me, it's only because he can. I'm an easier target."

"You still fear for my grandson?"

"I'm his future wife. I need to."

"What do you wish for me today?" the Queen wondered. "Do you want more security? Do you wish for less duty?"

"Neither. I let you know because everything that happens comes back to you. I wish to cause no distress, but I know better."

"We do both like to know all." Taking a sip of her tea, the Queen sat silently. Meredith followed suit. "Mister Campbell poses a threat to all of us if he speaks in such plain manner."

"Ma'am, he knows things, about Harry and what happened before. He keeps these details."

"I know when I say not to worry, you will do no such thing. We women who are in power know this to be true. If someone dares to step into our territory and make a fuss, it must be ended."

Meredith had many questions, like did the Queen and her think them to be the same, which Meredith accepted with honor. Yet, the Queen claimed Meredith had power, which she didn't see. Basically it was her doing what others wanted. It was her last question that came from Meredith's mouth, "What do you mean it must be ended? Are you going to kill Jack?"

The Queen's eyes grew into shock and then power. "That's quite the accusation. Do you wish him dead?"


"What do you wish of him?"

"To rot."

"You know this to be dangerous."

"He could speak."

"You wish to save Harry."


The Queen placed her tea off to the side and brushed off her pristine skirt. There was not one stitch out of place. "You have the following, Meredith, more than others. There is not much I can do for some people. Catherine has a good following. William could always use some help. It comes from being a future king, where all eyes look on him with incredible glare. It is a sore spot to be spare, but it is easier," the Queen said. "Harry has always had the following, since he was a child. People were just attracted to him. It is because he's so nice."

Meredith swallowed, scared what might come next.

"You have a following, and I think comes from your standing and how you were raised. I see it and others see it, you are hard worker. You go and do things others wouldn't."

That's not a good thing, is it? Meredith wanted to ask.

"Diana did that."

And overshadowed people, Meredith thought.

"She overshadowed. Charles will be King. William will be King. George will be King."

"How would you like me to handle my followers?" Meredith asked politely.

"Keep them, help them, but direct them toward the monarchy. The monarchy is not one person. It is an institution. It has stood for a thousand years and hopefully it will stand for a thousand more," the Queen said. "People come from around the world to see the monarchy. While some people may have favorites, they come to see the glory that favorite's possess."

"I can do that."

The Queen nodded. "I know. I have faith in you." Taking another sip from the cup of tea, the Queen's blue eyes slid over Harry's future wife. "How is the new bodyguard?"

"Well-- good. She's good at her job. She handled this morning very well."

"How is the wedding planning?"

"It's going swimmingly," Meredith lied smoothly. "The wedding dress will be designed soon, and I have high hopes of it being gorgeous." She wasn't even sure how the words sounded so pleasant, but the Queen believed them. "I am much looking forward to the day."

"How's your family? Your mother and your father?"

Meredith didn't wish to speak about them. Not missing her mother too much, it just left a larger hole in her heart for her father. "Well, I'm sure."

"Do you speak to them often?"

"Speaking is an optional word with my father."

"Oh, yes, of course." The Queen paused. "How is duty? Do you find it overwhelming?"

"No, ma'am, not so ever."

"A holiday is coming up. I'm sure we could all use some time off."

"Yes, ma'am."

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