Chapter Forty-Seven

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There wasn't enough sleep in the world that Meredith needed as soon as she returned to her Kensington Palace flat. Without removing her clothes or makeup, she fell onto the bed, and Harry laid a blanket across from her.

"Harry, can you please close the curtains?"

Harry did as she asked. "Didn't you pack an overnight bag?"

"Yes. I think we were supposed to sleep at some point." She curled into the blankets. "How was your night?"


"Any strippers?"


"Good. It has to feel weird to put Granny's face in someone's bra." It made Meredith laugh to herself. "I think I could sleep forever."

Harry checked his watch. "You have two hours, and then you need to get read."

Meredith's eyes flashed open as she stared at nothing particular. At this point of her sleep deprivation, anything made her heart beat fast and her head hurt. Swallowing, she closed her eyes. "Who lied to me?"

"Probably the women who thought they would sleep on the yacht."

Meredith snorted. "Joke's on them because they didn't sleep much either."

"You get some sleep, Mere." Harry kissed her head and shut the door gently behind him.

Immediately Meredith fell into a deep sleep, where she drifted into the darkness and enjoyed every moment of it. When it was time to wake up by Harry's gentle words, she almost felt the need to slap him. Sleep was such a good idea, but she hoped she wouldn't hurt too much. As she pulled herself into a sitting position, she knew she was wrong. Her head banged.

"Water." Harry handed the glass over and she drank greedily. "How about some pain medicine?"

Meredith nodded.

Coming back a minute later, Harry produced two small white pills, and Meredith swallowed them. "I have breakfast waiting downstairs."

"I don't think I want to eat it." She drank more water.

"I don't think you'll get many chances to eat today regardless."

Meredith arched an eyebrow. "What am I doing today?"

"It's your bridal shower."

Nearly spitting out the water, she hadn't realized that was meant to be a surprise. Granted, she didn't see it coming, but then again, Meredith hadn't been paying attention. Did she really need a bridal shower when she was marrying a prince? Well, the answer was yes because she was getting one anyway.

"At least there will be cake," Meredith grumbled and climbed out of bed.

The food had to wait as Meredith took a shower and then had her hair and makeup done. Her head felt better after caffeine was pumped into her system, but Meredith's stomach still lurched when she smelt the food on the table. She ate as much as she could before she had to go.

As the car drove out of the Kensington Palace, there waited people just watching and waiting. They screamed and waved as she went past, and Meredith only smiled back. A wave may have been in order, but with that meany people screaming at her, she wasn't so sure she could deal with it. It was deafening.

Showing up to the place, the car went underground and all the extra eyes disappeared, and all the extra eyes appeared again as Meredith walked in to a large bridal party with female royals from all around the world inside. Catherine smiled off to the side, but as Meredith came inside, Catherine looked ready to drop, as did Beatrice and Eugenie. The dresses they wore and the makeup they had were perfect, but they looked like death when their smiles slid off their faces. The hangovers had started.

Under basically everyone in the room, Meredith worked on her curtsying as she went around the room. There may have been a ring on her finger, but she was a commoner for yet another few days. Her knees got a work out as they cracked for every time she dipped. The Queen watched on carefully with Princess Anne by her side. Other Queens were around the world, and it only scared Meredith a bit more.

"Your highness." Meredith dipped into a curtsy in front of Princess Victoria. Turning to the younger sister, Meredith curtsied again, "Your highness." From Princess Madeleine, Meredith turned to Princess Sofia, "Your highness." Meredith's knees hurt but she kept a perfect smile on her face. "Thank you for being here today." Jessica had run over protocols again in the car ride over.

"We would not miss it for the world," Princess Victoria said. "We have known Harry for a long time, and we are filled with excitement to see him wed you."

Meredith blushed.

Princess Sofia smiled nicely. "I have never been to a British wedding before, and I heard they are extravagant."

"You are certainly not wrong." Meredith didn't want to remember how much her wedding cost, and security only added more to it. Trying to bring the cost down, Meredith had suggested a few things, but all were shut down. People complained about how much money the British Monarchy spent, but apparently everyone loved a good wedding. Seeing those numbers, where Meredith couldn't comprehend how much everything cost, she tried to numb it a bit.

"It is going to be beautiful," Princess Madeleine responded.

"I surely hope so." Meredith laughed. "All of you know how... magical they are." Eyes drifting over, Meredith found Beatrice in the crowd. "Excuse me." Meredith curtsied and made her way through the crowd of women who threatened to stop her. Beatrice stared into a cup of coffee, but as Meredith came closer, the coffee was spiked. "I see you're having an amazing day." She smiled brilliantly.

Beatrice groaned. "I'll have you know the yacht was Cath's idea."

"Yet, you're the one bent over barely able to survive."

"I had fun. Wasn't that the point?"

Meredith rolled her eyes. "Are Eugenie and Cath feeling the affects as well?"

"Not as badly." Beatrice took a sip of her coffee and fully looked at her almost cousin. "You're not feeling the affects?"

"I am," Meredith whispered, "but I am a better actress." Taking a cup of tea for herself, she sipped it and pretended perfectly like she wasn't bothered that it was just warmed up juice. "I have to return to my party, but have fun of your own."

Beatrice shook her head. "You'll get it eventually."

Meredith laughed and walked away.

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