Chapter 8

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I had no idea what I needed to wear to the event. Was it casual or was it fancy? According to Elle, it was supposed to be dressy. "Let's get you some silk or satin," she informed me while prancing through the mall entrance. "You need to look sexy!"

"I don't want to be slutty..."

"You won't be slutty, I promise! I'm an expert!"

The only thing Elle is an expert at is getting on people's nerves, even mine. What can I say, though, I love her.

She grabbed my hand and led me into a small shop. I had a hard time taking all the colors and patterns in, especially since​ the god-awful sequins we're blinding me."Elle," I coughed. "This shop is terrible!"

"Oh, c'mon, it's not bad at all! Just give it a chance."

I let out a strangled sigh. "Fine. It better be worth it."

She started rifling through dresses on the shelves, leaving a trail of disheveled fabrics. "Ok, you look for yours and I'll look for mine," I negotiated.

With a grunt and a nod, she let me know it was a deal. I left the front of the shop and went towards the back, where the less-flashy dresses were. I honestly had no idea what I was looking for, and figured that I'd figure it out.

"Hi," one of the clerks bounced out of the shadows.

"Oh, hi..."

"Can I help you with something​?"

"Actually, yes," I admitted. "I'm attending a formal event and I honestly have no idea what to wear. I've never been to one before!"

"I can help you there! Do you like sparkles or sequins?"

"No, not really. I was actually thinking silk or something like that..."

"Oh, ok! Follow me, I think I have what you're looking for!"

She pulled a dress off the rack and pulled the skirt out so I could see the shape. "I don't really want black," I admitted."

"Oh, I can fix that!"

She dug through the rack again and held up a cherry-red dress, the same style as the black one.

My mouth dropped open as my eyes took in the gorgeous quality. "That's it", I squeaked.

"How about you try it on," she suggested.

I realized that I must of sounded childish, picking it without trying it on. "Oh, yeah, that's a good idea..."

I discreetly cursed myself out as I closed the door to the dressing room. Thank god the zipper was on the side, otherwise I'd be a mess. It was the perfect size, hitting me in my most flattering places.

 It was the perfect size, hitting me in my most flattering places

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"This is it, thank you!"

I practically fell out of the stall while smiling at the clerk, still clutching my dress. And with that, I was ready to leave.

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