Chapter 31

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I could tell James was giddy at breakfast the next morning. "Bella," he finally blurted. "I'm fucking nervous. I've never felt this way before."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "James, you'll be fine."

He hurried to catch up with me. "Yeah, but still..."

"I have to talk to her, too."

Those words calmed him down. "Don't leave me," he pleaded.

"I won't," I reassured him, ringing her doorbell.

I had never seen this side of him, and it took a minute to get used to. You always think of him as the "mighty Hetfield", but that wasn't him.

We waited for her to answer, but the door never opened. James sighed and turned to go. I figured I should so the same and walked down those steps like the many times before. Suddenly I heard a doorknob click. "Bella? James?"

We turned to see Elle, rubbing her sleepy eyes. "Hi," James greeted.

Elle and I kept eye contact, the awkwardness thicker than oatmeal. "Hi, Elle," I nodded.

"Hi, how have you been," she asked.

"Good, you?"

"I've been great. Oh, won't you both come inside?"

We looked at each other, puzzled by her friendliness. Eventually, we gave in and stepped inside. "What's up? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, we're just touring here and wanted to stop by," James answered. "Would you like to come see the show?"

She sat there thinking. "I'll have to see. I have plans later."

He nodded. "I understand."

I looked at the clock. "James, we should probably get going. We only have half an hour."

He checked it as well. "Yeah, it's probably a good idea. Well, bye, Elle. It was nice seeing you."

I waved goodbye as we walked out the door. I had a feeling she didn't have plans. I guess we'd just have to see.

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