Letters, trains and friends

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"I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!" I squeal tears of happiness and excitement threatening to spill. "Hogwarts! I have been accepted to go to HOGWARTS!"
"Wand?" Mum asks checking what I have.
"Check" I smile at the wand I hold in my hand. Olive wood with phoenix feather and unicorn hair core.
"Check,memorised and understood."
"Well that's more than I can say. Who would of thought that this place was real." My mum wonders off into thought. Did I forget to mention I'm a mudblood. Yes I know it's a bad word but I'm using it. I'm a mudblood and I'm proud of it. I look around platform 9 3/4. My dad is off chasing my sister who wanted to explore the platform. My grandmother probably with my sister.
I heave my trunk up onto the train. It's pretty heavy with all the books. I wanted to learn all I could about the wizarding world. "Bye, Love you! Υια σας σαγαπο πολλή!" Ι shout waving to my family as the train starts to move. This is it. I'm going to Hogwarts.
"Um hi, do you mind if I sit with you guys? Everywhere else is full" I ask a group of kids. 5 in total. A messy black haired boy with brilliant green eyes, a long bushy red haired girl with freckles and big brown eyes, a white blond haired boy with soft grey eyes and pale skin, and two girls with long straight brown hair, one with brown eyes, the other with blue.
"No not at all" the red head says, "I'm rose by the way, Rose Granger-Weasley." She offers me her hand and I shake it. "I'm Kyra, Kyra H. I'd say my whole
sername but it's long. I'm Greek, so that's normal."
"Your Greek?" The girl with brown hair and brown eyes asks. I nod. "Same!" She screams, "I'm Anna by the way." "I'm Albus, Albus Potter." The black haired boy says. "And I'm Scorpius. Scorpius Malfoy." The blonde boy says. "I'm Alice Longbottom." The other brown haired girl says. We shake hands and start talking, laughing and eating. I even started a collection of chocolate frog cards. Just then the door opens revealing 2 boys and a girl. One boy looked exactly like Albus only he had brown eyes instead of green. He also wore glasses. The other boy had red hair and a few freckles. The girl had black hair but other than that, looked exactly like the red haired boy. I suspected they must be twins. "Hey Al, Rose, Alice. Dom learned this new spell it's so cool, come check it out. Also have you seen Chang? I can't find her anywhere and-" he sees me, Anna and Scorpius "this is James." Albus says, "my brother. And this is Fred and Roxanne, they're twins. They are also my cousins."
"What year?" Anna asks.
"Second" James, Fred and Roxanne reply as they sit down with us. Soon, the whole compartment is full of Weasleys. As well as Alice's twin brother Frank and also Chang and Cedric Yall, who are in second year. They have vivid green eyes and strait black hair, which Chang likes to decorate with multiple coloured strands. I couldn't believe how crowded it was, yet it felt so comfortable. We all talked and had fun. Some of the older students showed us some spells and Rose, Anna and I showed some that we taught ourselves.
The train comes to a halt.
"We're here!" We scream. I look out the window and gasp. It's beautiful.

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