Flying lessons

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A/n in this chapter in introducing time skips (you'll get the hint
*Wednesday afternoon*

"FLYING LESSONS TODAY!!!!" Rose and I shout. I had spent most of the week either exploring the castle or in the library, researching more about the wizarding world. I had learned so much, including a lot about the wizarding worlds most famous game, Quidditch. "I'm so excited I might burst." Anna squeals. "Well please don't because that would be awful." Samuel jokes.
"I see it, over there." Rose shouts pointing to an area on the grounds with brooms lined up. "Race you!" Dom shouts as we start running. When we got there we stood near brooms, close to each other.
"You do realise we're 5 minutes early." Alice asks. "Yeah but we can wait-oh look it's Madam Hooch!" Rose says as she stands up straight.
Flying is amazing, the best I have ever felt. After learning we all started playing a game of Quidditch. Madam Hooch and the house Quidditch captains are looking for replacements for the house teams. It's now normal for first years to make the team. It's girls verse boys. On my team it's Anna, Rose and Taya (a girl in Anna's dorm) as chasers, Dom and Felicia (a Gryffindor girl in a different dorm who's really nice, funny and fun) as beaters, Eunice (another Gryffindor girl in a different dorm who's really nice, funny and fun) as keeper, and I'm seeker. It's so much fun I-
There's the snitch! I start flying as fast as I can to catch it. My opponent about 5 metres away. Nearly there, nearly there, and....... "I GOT IT! I CAUGHT THE SNITCH!" We all fly down and the girls share a celebratory hug. "Ok listen up," madam Hooch starts, "The new aspects to the Gryffindor Quidditch team are Rose and Kyra as the positions played, and the new aspect to the Ravenclaw Quidditch team is Anna as a chaser."
"So herd you made the team," Fred tells us, "I'm on the team too. Roxy and I are the beaters. James is a Chaser. Chang is also a chaser but she plays for Ravenclaw."
"Well I have to go see ya." He says leaving us to finish our homework.

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