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A/n sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've had a small case of writers block.
This is a short chapter because I need to plan the...... well you'll see what.
For the parts few weeks we have been sneaking to the room of requirement every night to practice defensive and offensive spells. It's now the last day of the year. I can't believe it, fifth year next year.  About a month ago I turned 17, which is pretty weird for me. At least Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are tied for the house cup.
"-.... congratulations two the two winning houses. You have made history. And finally, an end of year announcement. As you all remember 4 years ago the triwizard tournament was supposed to take place but due to unfortunate events, was canceled. I would like to inform you that the tournament is taking place next year, here at Hogwarts-" McGonagall pauses to let the cheering stop, "but next year we are putting the age limit back up, due to some first years putting their name in last time Hogwarts hosted the tournament. Originally the age limit was 14 but after the last tournament, at Durmstrang, a forth year was chosen but got badly injured during the second task. So the age limit will be 17. That's all, enjoy your meal."
We start eating.
After a few minutes the dessert appears and James brings up the topic of the tournament, "so..... the tournament? Eh?"
"You have to enter Kyra. Your the only one of us old enough." Rose says.
"Yeah. We'll help you, and you'll win for sure." Alice adds.
"The only problem is she's not good enough to enter." Polly sneers, her gang starts laughing.
I stand and face Polly. "Well at least I'm good enough to be considered? Straight O's I believe. Which is more than you can say, what's the highest any of you have gotten? P?" And with that I spoon the last of my dessert into my mouth and walk off.
Ignore them, that's what I tell myself every time I get teased. The is no reason that this situation is any different.
There is a small group of people (Polly and her gang and a few others) randomly shouting insults about why I wouldn't enter the tournament. Things like, 'your too chicken','you wouldn't get chosen anyway, and even if you did you wouldn't last a second' ect. The thing that really pushed me over the edge is when they insulted my house, blood status, skill, integrity and basically everything that is me when Polly shouts out "she wouldn't be able to do it because she's too dumb, must be because she's a mudblood, they're hopeless. It's a miracle she made it in Gryffindor, she's too much of a wimp. Probably like Peter Pettigrew only he was smarter, braver and better looking."
I walk up to her, catching a glimpse of Fred and Anna getting held back by the rest of my friends, who looked like they wanted nothing better than to slap Polly silly.
"You need to shut up Polly, talking is lowering your IQ. Which shouldn't be possible when your level is zero originally," I take a step back so I can see all of the people who were insulting me, "And just so you all know, I am entering the tournament, and then you'll all see what I'm capable of!" And with that I walk off, my friends behind me (some of them making rude hand gestures).
A/n I hoped you enjoyed. Please comment and tell me if I should use some..... language (if you know what I mean) to add a bit more spice to this story.

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