After the cursed child

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A/n this is a filler chapter. I'll post another chapter today as well though. This is the day Al and Scorp come back to this time. (Basically after the cursed child.)
"Albus! Scorpius!" We all run to the 2 boys. Yeah I know it's weird hugging them after our fight at the end of last year. But we missed them. I was so worried. Especially when I realised that they were lost in time.
"I'm sorry." Everyone says in unison, then we laugh. "The past is past," Al laughs.
"Forgive forget?" Rose ask. Al and Scorp nod and Anna and I look at each other, "The true is, YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET!" We sing then roll on the floor laughing.
"What was that?" Fred asks.
"Something from a movie called Descendants."
They nod,confused, and Anna and I laugh again. We are the weirdos of this group. 😂
"-But still, the scariest part was when none of you were-" Rose rushes up and puts an arm around Scorp. He looks up at her then he looks directly at Anna and I (we are sitting next to each other)
"I herd screams, from down in the dungeons. They were torturing muggleborns. You two-" he pauses, Rose rubs his back. Scorpius continues, "must've been there. At some point."
This time we all run up and hug him. And Al, of course.
"Don't worry. It's all fine now." Rose whispers.
"Unless she escapes."
A/n yeah here's your short chapter. I'm currently writing the next one and will publish it rrreeeeaaaallllllllllllllyyyy soon.

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