Audrey Riggort

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A/n so I'm back for another chapter, yay! So I'm going to ask you do do these things because they encourage me and inspire me to write this. So please comment and vote. Also share this story and join my amino community Fandom Sancuary. (Yes I know that's not the proper way to spell sanctuary.) (the last one is so we can comunicate and you can give me ideas if you want. I'm BOB THE FANGIRL.)
Ok enough of that. Let's get started. :)
Also I just feel like making outfit collages. Idk why but I'm gonna do it from now on.

WARNING: this chapter contains foul language.
It's the day of the reaping. Well, the choosing of the champions. Same thing?
Anyway I'm in my room getting changed. It's the weekend so I don't have to wear my uniform.

 It's the weekend so I don't have to wear my uniform

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Tonight we are going to need to but for now I don't.
Anyway I decide to go for a walk around the grounds to calm my nerves for tonight and to clear my head about last night events. As I turn a corner around the outskirts of the castle I hear weird......sounds? I walk closer and see something that shattered my heart (though I don't understand why) and made me feel like vomiting. Fred and Catrene Walter-Waters (a slutty 6th year girl with long curly brown hair and dark  skin) snogging the living daylights out of each other.
I take a step back and nearly stepped on a twig. I try think of something witty to say in this situation. Ahhh. Why is this so hard! I take another step back this time I actually snap a twig, causing them to stop and look at me. I could feel blood rushing to my face in embarrassment. This is one of the only times I have ever blushed.
"Kyra?" Fred asked disbelief and shock on his face.
"Well this is the last time I take a walk without the map." I say rubbing the back of my neck.
"No kidding."
I grin.
"Well I have to go....I'll leave you two to it then?" I say awkwardly as I leave, walking straight to my dorm. I sit on my bed thinking. Why was I upset about Fred kissing someone, he can make out with whoever he bloody well wants to. Right? I bang my head on my pillow. For a straight O student I'm really an idiot. It's obvious I like him, I guess I have felt more than friendship since first year but no. I can't. He's my best fucking male friend. This is why I never dated anyone I saw as a friend. Uh! Stupid girl brain. I'm 17 I should of mastered my brain and my hormones by now. Unless it's that time of the month- nope, that was last week. Shit.
Dinner is over. I'm shuffling in my seat, anxious for the choosing of the champions. Breathing triangles, in 2-3-4, hold 2-3-4, out 2-3-4. I get up to 24 and am panting before McGonagal starts talking.
I barely hear what she says.
"First of the Beauxbatons champion...."
the cup bursts into flames and a single price of paper floats down, McGonagal catches it.
"Elle Le'Forre!"
A pretty, vavatious girl with short curly blonde hair walks up her blue eyes shining like she's going to cry.
"Next, the Durmstrang champion......."
The same thing happenes.
"Dirk Kravin!"
A burly boy with short brown hair and olive skin walks up, grinning ear to ear, dark brown eyes shining with amazement.
"And lastly, the Hogwarts champion........"
My stomach churns as the goblet bursts into flame once more.
"Kyra Ha- nope still still can't say it!"
The hall laughs at the headmistresses remark. I walk up to join the other champions, trying not to laugh as all my nerves disappear.
As we are about to walk into the room the goblet bursts into flames again.
"Audrey Riggort?!"
A/n dun dun dun! Nice long chapter for y'all! YAY!

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