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Welcome to this nasty place.
Welcome in this society.
The girl who fails, the man who fucks,
Welcome to the world of variety.

Just be at home,
And keep your mouth shut!
Curse 'em all, and wear smiles,
If not, then you'll be judged.

' The girl who didn't worked well this year.
But my son got an A+
And she's always up with the excuses.
Man! That isn't how the things work!'

But did you know her mom died last month?
Did you know she used to make cuts?
Have you ever asked how she managed?
If not, then think before you judge.

' I feel bad for them.
My neighbour's daughter got raped last night,
But I think she wasn't with a good character,
I think she wasn't alright. '

But did you know how she struggled last night?
The boy who raped her, was your son's best friend.
So easily you said her she got a loose character.
But haven't told your son to behave and stop thinking about one night stand!

I don't know why people judge all the time.
But for now I know, we don't need your advice.
Think a million times before you utter a single word from your mouth
Cause something bad, can make you stupid, not wise!

Try not to be the part of this mother fucking society,
Be nice and be quiet,
And if you can't feel the pain,
Than better don't give advice.

Thank you.


Thanks for reading this poem. I'm honoured to get you all as readers. And here I'll not ask you for votes or comments, it's up to you, but I'll ask you to do something.
If you have read this peom, and you felt something wrong about the society, what it does to people's life, then don't curse them , please don't be a part of the society.
The only thing you can do is stop judging, stop giving sympathy. People don't need 'em. Stop judging in every way. No matter if it includes judging a raped girl or your enemy. Just promise, you will NOT JUDGE.
No matter what, you'll not give sympathy, to a dead girl or a puppy who got hurt by a moving vehicle. If you really felt bad then feel the pain, help them, but NO SYMPATHY!
What makes society? We make society and we are society and society hurts. So be an individual and don't judge and give no sympathy. I know,if we'll start this from today, at the current moment, I know somewhere you're feel good, somewhere it's gonna help us. We're youth and youth wants everything unique. Let's start this, and I believe someday our world will be a better place, with no depression, no suicides etc.
Promise yourself, you'll NOT JUDGE AND WILL NOT GIVE SYMPATHY.

Comment this if you agree and have promised yourself :-  #donotjudge-  I will not judge anyone.
#nosympathynation- I will not give sympathy.

Thank you.
#donotjudge #nosympathynation
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