If I Die

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If I DIE, They're are reasons 'WHY'

The girl you hear laughing at your silly jokes, is me

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The girl you hear laughing at your silly jokes, is me.
The girl you watch always smiling, a way more than usual... Is me.
The girl you noticed getting bullied in front of them is me.
The girl you mocked at, when they called 'slut' is me.
The girl who begged for love all her life is me.
The girl you wished to spend one night, is me.
The girl you never loved is me.
The girl you ditched, is me.
The girl of whom you clicked nudes by inserting your cameras in her bathroom, is me.
The girl you blackmailed, is me.
The girl you pointed out for her loosed character, is me.
The girl who got raped last night, is me.
The girl you insisted to move on when she was getting harassed, is me.
The girl who ended her life... Is me.

[Song] :- If I die

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[Song] :- If I die.

There's no way, I can change my fate
They'll only say, say that they hate,
So now I walk alone, alone in the nights,
Into the woods, outta their sights.

I watch them, they laugh at me,
I cry, but nobody sees,
I'm not alone, but I'm lonely,
Darkness peeping through my windows only.

So I've decided to go
So I've decided to leave,
Follow my steps through the woods,
If you've ever loved me, if you need

But i know you'll not....

I wanna burn down, I wanna 'DIE'
But there's a reason, and you gotta know 'WHY?'
I will leave those memories in your mind,
And you'll fade the truth away and lie...

answer quickly:- which pic I should update as my book cover? I'm really confused as hell rn...cause I'm not able to decide the book cover and title. Lol! Yeah... I know that's lame! 😅

Pic 1:-

Pic 1:-

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-----------A totally new book with a totally new idea, coming soon on Wattpad! ✌✌ Thanks for supporting

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A totally new book with a totally new idea, coming soon on Wattpad! ✌✌
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