The One With The New World

211 11 2

Alternate Universe

-2 years ago-

Mary's POV

I fell through the thin, golden streak of light, floating vertically in midair and felt a wave of energy. And suddenly, my knees hit solid ground and I opened my eyes.

The world infront of me was dull and grey. There were bodies with armour and weapons lying on the ground. It seemed to be a hilly area with mist and fog covering the tops. Or maybe it was just ash and dust. I couldn't tell.

Great, metal spikes erupted from the ground. Some of them had bodies pushed painfully through them. Some of their tips were broken and we're on the floor, crushing some others.

I looked back and saw the last of the portal vanish into thin air, locking me in an unknown universe with the devil, forever. I would never see my boys again. They didn't exist in this universe and there was no way I was getting back. I was going to die. In another reality. Alone.

"No!!" I heard Lucifer yell behind me.
"No!No!" he yelled at the vanished portal as he struggled to get up.

After he let the thought sink in, he turned towards me, his eyes glowing a dangerous red. He raised his arm, probably to smite me, although I was sure I was going to receive something a little worse than 'death' at this point.

He opened his mouth to say something, when a large eruption of sand and gravel could be seen and heard behind him. We both ducked to avoid the chunks of rocks coming our way, though I doubted it would have much effect on him.

I took this opportunity to leap up and punch Lucifer with the Enochian Brass Knuckles, still on my hands.

The devil staggered back a little, but quickly recovered. I hit him two more times, this time knocking him to the ground.

I took my chance and ran. Ran like I never had in my life. Somewhere, anywhere, I didn't care. All I knew was that I needed to get away from Satan. Or else I wouldn't like what came after.

There was nowhere to run. Everywhere looked the same. I stopped a little while later to catch my breath. I pressed my palms onto my knees and panted.

I froze when I heard footsteps. I dove towards the nearest broken boulder I could find and slammed my back against it. I readied my Brass Knuckles and tried to hold my breath.

The footsteps got nearer. And nearer. Until they were right behind me.

My hands shivered, my forehead was beaded with sweat and I silently prayed. This was it. The end. I wished I could've told the boys how much I loved them before departing. But now it was to late.

Please God, I prayed. Let me have a quick death.

I could see a pair of shoes out of the corner of my left eye. And I sprung out of my hiding place and struck the person infront of me.

The person. Not Lucifer. It wasn't Lucifer.

But I realised that too late. The person held a gun to my chest with one hand, his other gripping his side of the face where I had welt him.

I raised my hands in defeat. The gun was still pointed towards me. He was still holding the side of his bleeding face, giving me time to get a proper look.

The man was short and stout. He wore a sandy-brown shirt covered with an army jacket. On his head was a faded, green army cap and a black and white scarf hung around his neck. The man, surprisingly, looked extremely familiar.

The recognition dawned me and I almost went and hugged the man.
But considering he still had that gun pointed towards me, I decided against it. Plus I still wasn't entirely sure if I was right or wrong.

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