The One That Wouldn't Forget

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-Present day-

Dean's POV

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled as the car infront of me, swerved to the left. I jerked my wheel, the weight of the Impala balancing on only two wheels for a moment and pushed my foot against the pedal. I wasn't going to let her get away. I was working day and night on this case, I wasn't going to lose it.

The black Ultima picked up speed too. It raced infront like a tiny cheetah and worked it's way through the tiny lanes of Illinois.

I took my gun with one hand, kept my other hand on the wheel and fired at the back of the car from the rolled down window. The glass shattered but the driver had ducked. She kept on driving, this time keeping her head down. I took my gun again. This time I aimed for the wheels.

I pulled the trigger. I heard a loud bang and the car started swerving right and left. I slowed down, not wanting Baby to get hurt. She was the only thing I had left.

The car, after swaying a little here and there, finally took a sharp right turn and crashed into a nearby tree. It's front window was shattered and it's hood, completely damaged.

I waited for a moment. Then I opened the Impala door and ran towards the Ultima. I took out my knife, stained with dead man's blood. I opened the door of the damaged car and took a stance.

The vampire girl lay sprawled against the driver's seat, her head bleeding and her arms containing several scratches. I raised my knife a little higher to kill, when she gasped and her eyes flew open. She stared at me, her face laced with fear.

"Please" she begged " I, I didn't do it! I didn't feed him! Somebody else did, I was just there helping him turn! He needed help turning! Please! Believe me!" she sobbed.

My arms were still in the air. I looked down and into her eyes. They were brown and teary. Her maroon jacket was mixed with her blood and her black hair was on her sweaty face. Her yellow fangs were out but despite that detail, she didn't look very threatening.

"Well-" I said slowly "- here's the thing"

I hardened my face.

"I don't believe you"

And with that, I raised my knife once more and brought it down on her chest. Her scream died instantly and she lay there, her eyes rolled up to the back of her head and blood dripping from her mouth.

Then I proceeded to chop her head off. I clutched it in my hand and admired it. The blood dripping from it's sides and the stinking smell it emitted.

And I sighed with relief.


I was driving once again, sunlight falling on my face. I examined my hands on the wheel. They were cut and jarred and covered in dirt from all the digging I had done to bury that body, and burn it.

It was a nice afternoon. The sun was high and I could hear the birds chirping loudly. The trees provided just enough shade and the air smelled of lemon grass.

A lump caught in my throat. It was a beautiful day. Reminded me of that afternoon I spent driving with Cas.

We were on a case of sorts, Sam was at the motel looking into some lore, Cas and I were supposed to pose as the FBI and question the witnesses. We were on our way, when a song started playing on the radio......


I turned on the radio and tuned it until I received a proper frequency. It wasn't too clear but the sound of a guitar was heard. I tried to scan through all the songs in my head to identify it but it didn't ring any bell.

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