The One That Had To Go

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-Present day-

Sam's POV

My legs were proped up on the table, my duffle bag was packed.

After the incident with God, we were all too shocked to move. Everyone except me, Dean and Cas.

Dean decided to take his rounds, telling everyone what had happened, while me and Hannah hurried over to assign a team. We had to go find this mystery helper as fast as we could.

We told Cas to sit down and take a breather, since he still looked pale.

He lay back on his wooden chair, next to me, and stared at the ceiling.

"You alright?" I asked him.

"Yeah" he shut his eyes "This just keeps getting more and more frustrating, that's all"

"Hey, we'll get there" I said.

"Well, with you both, I suppose we will"

I chuckled "Yeah"

We were silent for a while, when an idea sparked into my head.

"Hey Cas?" I called.


"When all this is over, do me a favour"

"Of course, Sam"

"Try getting married" I said cheerily.

His suddenly sat up straight.


I turned to face him "Get married? Have you given it no thought?"

He looked at the floor "I have, actually. But-" he looked at me in fear "- to whom should I?"

I smiled "I dunno, anyone you enjoy spending time with, I guess. Somebody, who understands you, and someone who will fight for you, and support you with anything. Just make sure they get the hunting life, or that'll be a little hard to explain"

"That's-" he gulped "That's quite alot of categories to fill"

"It's not as hard as it sounds really. The person could be right infront of you and you wouldn't even know it"

"Alright, I'll, um, I'll try" Cas smiled. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Have you ever thought of marriage?"

I sighed.

"I have actually, several times. But-" I looked at Cas "-most of those thoughts were just excuses to get away from this life"

Cas nodded "Most of them?"

I looked at the table.

I smiled "The first time, it was with this girl. Her name was Jess"

Cas was looking at me intently.

"We met in college, this guy called Brady introduced us at lunch. We fell in love, started dating and after a while, we were living together. I was going to propose to her, but-" I paused and took a deep breath "-turned out Brady was a demon. He made sure we started dating before burning her on the ceiling, so that I'd start hunting again with Dean"

"I'm sorry" Cas said quietly.

"You know, it was a long time ago, but-" I shuddered "-I would go back to her, if I could. I really thought we could've been something. I loved her, like really loved her"

"Was her name, by any chance, Jessica Moore?" Cas asked me.

"Uh, yeah?"

Cas smiled softly "Jessica Moore. I've been to her Heaven once. It was just a normal stroll around the compound, but I stumbled upon her, and it was beautiful. She's happy there. It's filled with wonderful memories of you" he told me with a smile "And she's still waiting for you, I believe she'll wait forever if she has to"

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