The One With The Colt

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Alternate Universe

-Present day-

Lucifer's POV

"Now, now. Don't scream like that? Haven't I taught you any better?" I scolded my son.

Jack was on the other line in my head. He was back in Hell, as he'd informed me. His screams were a delight, just as everyone else's were.

He had lost Dean-O, when he was supposed to be handing him over to me as of now. I had trusted him. Trusted that he would be the one to perform the ritual and attain the ingredients, but he too had failed me.

I imagined his face, all the way down to the muscles and bones. Then I used my imaginary hands and twisted his brain in my head.

I could hear Jack scream like there was no tomorrow.

"He's just one pathetic human being!" I yelled at him.

"I-I'm sorry father!" Jack cried on the other end.

"Yeah, like that's gonna help, you wimp" I tugged at the side of his brain and pulled out a piece of flesh from it.

Jack's screams pierced my ears. I kept digging my fingers into his brain to increase his volume. I smiled to myself.

As he screamed and begged for mercy, I admired my garden and scratched my golden-red wings.

That's right, I was in a garden. In Hell.

Not just any garden though. This one was probably the most beautiful one, out of all of them.

In was situated near the center of Hell, where only I would be brave enough to go, since I had practicality lived there for millions of years.

Infact, it was right under my stinking Cage, where Lucifer 2.0 was now snoring.

I snickered.

Lucifer 2.0.

I should go and give him a surprise. Maybe play some hide-and-seek with him, or tell him stories.

Maybe makeout with him, just a little bit. Just to see what it's like.

This garden that I was in, was completely made from my imagination of course.

It had trees made of yellow and cracked bones, all the way up to its branches, where loose pieces of torn skin hung as leaves. The ground was made of squishy flesh, upon which I bounced, and the lakes were filled with, of course, blood. The red sky looked endless, but it actually stopped at the second floor, which could not be seen from down here.

The further you crawled to the center, the more trees you would find. Soon these trees would have organs hanging off their branches, as fruits. The skulls littered the floor like rocks and the small plants growing at its sides, bore eyeballs and ears as it's flowers. Towards the ends of this large caravan, were capsules filled with foul urine, which were used to water the trees and plants.

The whole place stunk of dead and rotten flesh.

I thought the whole idea was rather brilliant.

I would come down here and clear my head. There was so much of work to be done. I wasn't too fond of this world. Not as much as the other world. This world seemed stale and used. There were hardly any people to rule over. Only demons.

I wanted to rule over the Angels. Show my brothers, that I was right all along. But in this world, all the Archangels were already dead. The only friends I could bring back from the dead, were the Princes of Hell. But I needed the Colt for that. And that Mary bitch had stolen it from me.

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