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(Yoongi POV)
(7 months later)

I woke up the next morning feeling more alive than I have ever felt in the years I have been around. I stretched my arms and looked around my surroundings. I was in my room. For once in my life I sat back and took in my surroundings with a new perspective. 

The sunlight came in through the windows and lit up the room in a warm and comforting glow. It contrasted well with the color of the walls, which were a sky blue. The many plants and flowers hanging from my ceiling and on my windowsill were casting colorful rays of light into the room. The flowers were my favorite, because Jimin had put them in here. 

There were orchids, lavender, roses and pansy. He had some type of fern hanging from the ceiling right in front of the window. I smiled at the memory of when I came home to find him almost falling off the ladder while hanging up the fern.

I turned over to see Jimin hidden under the duvet, looking like a cuddly teddy bear. His lips were parted and little snores were escaping, his red hair hung over his eyes and his little hand was under his cheek.

I leaned down and pecked his cheek. He stirred a little but didn't wake up. I carefully got up and walked to the kitchen. Since I became human, I started eating more often and I got rid of all the blood bags I had stored away. Jimin and Jin went out to buy me food so I won't have to starve and work non-stop just to buy food and not be able to pay my bills.

And for Namjoon, he celebrated being human by going all the way with Jin and getting me a dog. Holly, I named her.

Right now, she was chilling on the couch sleeping. I smiled at the sleeping dog and continued to make breakfast. Digging out eggs and bacon from the fridge and making toast. After everything was done, I platted the food and went to go wake up Jimin. 

"Jimin sweetie?" I whispered peaking into the room. I watched as he yawned cutely and opened his eyes. 

"Morning Yoongi" he said in his sexy morning voice. A grin stretched across my face as I walked over to him and sat down next to him. 

"Sleep well?" I asked smoothing back his hair. "Yeah." 

I stared at him while stroking his cheek. Suddenly, he leaped up and pressed his lips against mine. I squeaked in surprise but gladly kissed back. He gently bit my lip, causing me to moan in response. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and played with mine.


We pulled back to see Holly hopping up and down and barking. "Looks like Holly needs to go outside." I said getting up and grabbing her leash. I turned back around to see Jimin pulling on a shirt. I quickly kissed his cheek and took Holly outside to do her business. 

"Holly? Do you think it is time?" I asked the little dog. She stared up at me and yipped. "Yeah I think so too." I said quietly and looked down at the lump in my pocket, which held the one thing that could seal me and Jimin together forever, that is, if he wants too.

She yipped some more and bounded around the back lawn before coming to a rest at my feet.

"I know Jimin might not like the idea of being alive longer than he wants, but at least it will be with me." I said softly while petting Holly. 

"Ask me what?" 

I jumped and turned around to see Jimin standing by the backdoor staring at me. I sighed and walked over to him and held his hand.

"Jimin, we have been together for almost a year now, and I want to be with you longer. I want to be as humanly or inhumanly close as possible with you. I want you all for myself and I only want you. You are the first person I have ever had feelings for in almost 400 hundred years. I love you so much Jimin."

He had tears running down his cheeks and a huge smile. "W-what are you asking?" He asked.

I pulled the vile out of my pocket and held it out to him. His face was laced with confusion. "What is this?" He asked looking closely at the substance on the inside. It was clear, but yet had a little white. It moved like water but also stuck like egg yolk.

"It's my venom. From before." He looked up at me surprised. "You had this for how long?" he asked holding the vile. "I made it when I first met you." I whispered.

He tilted the vile back and forth. 

"You can drop it if you don't want to become a vampire or you can say yes and be with me forever." I said staring into his eyes. 

"What if I drop it?" he asked. "Then it is a no." I said sadly looking away. 

I thought about asking him. But I never thought about what would happen if he ever said no. Why am I so upset about this, even if he says no, he will still be with me. But it was the thought of him or me dying first and leaving the other one alone for many years until they die as well. But, this was his decision.

"Yoongi." I felt fingers gently wrap around my chin and pull my face towards his. I was face to face with beautiful brown eyes, sun kissed skin, and red hair. This was a sight that I couldn't live without. If he left me, I would surly die without him.

He smiled at me and kissed me. I kissed back, unsure of what he wanted. He pulled back and smiled at me. He held up the vile.

"Let's take it together." he whispered.

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