Final Chapter

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It was decided. Jimin and I were going to turn into a vampire together. We wanted to do it properly like a ceremony. We only told our closest friends and made sure that no word got out.

Because the hunters were still looking for us. Hoseok found out that we were human and apologized. 

We forgave him and invited him to our ceremony. He accepted and promised to never tell the hunter, now known as Jinyoung, what we are planning.

Jimin had gone a little overboard with the idea.

"Yoongi! We should have an aisle so it can be like a wedding!" he said jumping on the bed. "Jimin baby, we will have a wedding one day." I said grabbing his shoulders and speaking to him slowly.

"I'm sorry oppa. I got carried away." He sighed and hugged me. 

"HELLO! OPEN THE DOOR! WE GOT FOOD!!" a voice screamed.

I groaned in annoyance and got up. I walked over to the front door and opened it. There was Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon.

I let them in. Taehyung and Jin were carrying bags of food. They set the bags down and I peaked inside. They of course bought Chinese and kimchi.

"So how have you been?" Hoseok asked giving me a side hug and ruffling my hair. I growled and shoved him away. He just laughed like a horse and ran into the kitchen to get stuff.

"He seems happy." I said turning towards the others. Taehyung and Jungkook were currently arguing about what movie to watch.

"Can't you see that Leonardo DiCaprio is better than Tina Fey? The woman can't act for shit!" Jungkook was shouting.

"Well Leo won an award for the Titanic! You even cried!" Taehyung yelled right back. Jin got up from the couch and grabbed a movie off the shelf and tossed it to them. 

"Are you kidding?" Taehyung asked holding up Twilight. "Well you got a better idea?" He asked sternly, crossing his arms. They both silenced and put the movie in. Jimin came down the stairs in a red shirt and black shorts with his red hair in tussles. 

"Hey ChimChim!" Namjoon called out to him. "Oh hey Hyung." he said waving and dashing over to me. I lifted him up and pecked his nose. He giggled cutely. I set him down and gave him a proper kiss.

"Um guys? We are still here." Jungkook called out. We pulled away with red cheeks. "I got food!!!" Hoseok yelled running from the kitchen with arm fulls of kimchi and Chinese. We all sat down and ate.

Then after we watched Twilight and began criticizing Bella and the whole picture of vampires in this got for saken movie. 

"Seriously? How did this movie even win an award? I've seen better vampire movies than this!" I complained. "And that is coming from me! Because I was a vampire and I don't fucking sparkle in the sun!" 

"Calm down baby." Jimin said holding my arm. Finally the credits rolled across the screen and it was dark out. 

"Well, we should all be heading home." Namjoon said. Jin had fallen asleep on his shoulder, Jungkook was close to falling asleep, Taehyung was stroking his hair, and Hoseok was just stuffing his face with left over Kimchi. 

"Well, have a safe trip." I said leading them to the door. Namjoon didn't want to wake Jin so he carried him. Taehyung also carried Jungkook to the car and drove away.

I carried Jimin up to bed and snuggled up with him. Holly joining us as well. 

"I love you Park Jimin." I whispered before falling asleep.   

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