Chapter One

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Harry Styles sat in his office as he reviews some of his patients' charts. The day so far has been slow, he spent almost two hours now doing paper works and reviews. He sighs for the millionth time because he hates doing all this management works

Don't get him wrong, he likes the peace and serenity that he is given but, it is not something that he is accustom to. His days are usually filled with surgeries in the operating room and emergencies in the emergency department but, today his pager is silent.

The pediatric surgeon checked his pager many times to see if it's broken but everything is working well with his black device. He sighs again and runs his hands through his recently cut hair. It feels refreshing to have the short hair although he misses them a tad bit. He continues to skim through the over-piling charts while making notes here and there.

'When is this going to end?' he thought to himself.

Just as he was about to sigh again, the door of his office was knocked and Harry has never been so excited. Finally, someone needs my service.

"Come in." He said trying to sound normal although he is jittering inside. Never in his thirteen years of career was he this excited over someone knocking on his door – well, except the first time he was promoted being the main pediatric surgeon at the St. James Hospital.

A young intern was at the door, she was panting hard and her face was flushed red. "D-Dr. Styles," she started still trying to catch her breath, "we need you down the pit for a consult. It's an emergency."

Harry has never been happier. After the long hours of paperwork, he finally gets to do some doctor-y stuff.

The older doctor raised his eyebrow, "Why didn't you page me then?" He asked already standing up and grabbing his stethoscope from the table.

"We did, but, you weren't answering." She said now regaining her breath.

Harry cursed under his breath, he really needs to get that old pager change. He speed-walks together with the intern down to the emergency department. "Brief me about the patient," Harry said as they ride the elevator down.

"Jane Doe, multiple lacerations over the hands and legs. There is also a huge gash on her forehead." The brunette girl stops talking and Harry looks down on her shorter figure. "However, our main concern is not that, doctor." She said quietly.

The surgeon frowns at her odd behavior, "Then, what-"

Just as he was about to talk the elevator opens revealing a scene that makes the experienced surgeon widen his eyes. A loud scream causes him to startle and the intern next to him to flinch.

What the hell is happening?

The whole people in the emergency department was still and their eyes are concentrated on one thing only. There was a sound of some kind of dog barking and growling.

"Is there a dog in there?" Harry asked. The intern looks at him with wide eyes and Harry didn't even wait for her to answer as he makes his way to one of the trauma rooms.

Harry rushes with the intern running next to him with their stethoscope dangling around their neck. Harry pushes open one of the trauma room revealing a girl screaming, no more like growling as the doctors and nurses circles their movement at still. No one dares to make a move as the girl shot daggers to everyone in the room.

One of the doctors is clutching his hand and Harry saw there is bite mark with blood covering his arm. He then turns his attention to the girl who was on all fours growling and barking at the people surrounding her. One male attending tries to hold her but as soon as she saw his hand, she tried to bite it causing the male doctor to step back quickly.

Harry took a cautious step to the filth-covered girl but as soon as he steps closer to her she whipped her head and growl louder at him causing the surgeon to put his hands up a sign of surrender. The girl continues to growl and she even crawls closer to the doctor causing him to take a step back.

He slowly turns his head to one of his colleague, "Owen, what happened?" He asked quietly.

"I don't really know. By the time the paramedics brought her in, she is already hysterical. I've never seen this case before."

A blonde male nurse took a step closer to her but she was having none of it as she grabs his hand and bites it. All of the doctors and nurses try to break them free but the girl has a firm bite on the flesh of the nurse. But, after a few tries, the nurse was released revealing a bloody hand with the same bite mark on it.

Harry has never seen a patient so wild before. In the history of his career, this is the first time he saw a patient acting so non-human like.

The girl starts to throw medical equipment around her but thankfully they were all gauzes and cotton and not any sharp objects. All of the doctors are still circling around not daring to make any kind of movement.

"You are a good girl. I know you are," A female resident try to calm her down, "We just want to help you, that's all." She said in a sweet voice.

Her act of kindness does not help with the situation and the wild untamed girl clawed the bed beneath her as she barks loudly to the female resident causing her to step back immediately.

"Does she understand what you were saying?" Harry asks trying to get the pieces together.

The same female resident who tried to talk to the wild girl answers, "No, she doesn't seem to understand what we were saying and doesn't communicate well."

Harry is starting to get frustrated because this girl needs a serious medical attention but she is confused and she is trying to harm the people around her. But, something needs to be done.

"Get her." Is all that Harry said confusing the people inside the room. But, the authority in his voice make the other doctors spring into action as they all took cautious steps towards the girl. "Hemmings, prepare Lorazepam."

"That's too strong. It will be too much for a child." A doctor protested

"It's the only way to get her calm and treat her wounds," Harry replied.

Harry Styles is not a cold man, but he hates seeing the girl like this not to mention she is refusing to let the doctors treat her which could bring more harm than good to herself. The surgeon is just trying to help her although his method might seem cruel but it's the only way to get the job done.

As soon as all the doctors and nurses manage to grab her limbs, the girl of course starts to thrash and wiggle around trying to set herself free. She shouted and growls but thankfully they held her firmly. Harry wipes her arm with alcohol and Hemmings passes the syringe to Harry.

Harry quickly plunges the medicine and her thrashing body went limp.

All he could think of is, this is one wild patient.

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