Chapter Eight

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Wild Cherry - 8

Evangeline's vitals have been fluctuating for the past week – it is either her blood pressure is too low that causes her to pass out any time or her platelets count is too low for her for her wounds to heal. She is still quiet after the incident with Mark and honestly speaking, Niall is missing to hear her voice.

It was 7 in the morning and Niall is due to go for his rounds and check on his patients. He frowns as he looks at the numbers on the thermometer. Evangeline's temperature is slightly higher than usual for a child being at 98.9°F. This worries Niall as he knows the girl's immune system is not the greatest and therefore prone to get sick easily.

He brushes her dirty blonde hair aside to have a feel on her forehead and notices it's just slightly warmer than usual. Thankfully, Evangeline is sleeping, or she will flip if she saw Niall being too close to her. Despite the time that both of them spent together, the feral child is still wary of people and therefore does not like physical touch or affection too much.

Well – except for a certain curly lad doctor. He is exceptional.

Closing the door behind him after all vitals have been taken, he notices Harry walking down towards the nurses' station. "Hey, Dr Styles. Morning." The blonde said before putting down the tablet chart.

"Hey Niall. Evangeline's alright? I'm bound to meet her for rounds later but Payne is making me go to this stupid robotic implant briefing. Some tech company is coming to sell their goods." Harry said as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Well, she's developed a temperature. Blood pressure still low but higher compared to last night's."

Harry frowns – her stats are not helping at all for her recovery, "I'll inform Hemmings to take a closer look on that. Page me if anything happened Niall. I'll be happy to leave that briefing." He puts down his coffee before looking straight to Niall's eyes, "I mean it, Horan. Anything."

Evangeline has been through a lot, and the last thing they all want is for her progress to go backward.

"Will do, boss!"



Niall was walking around the ward when he notices two women walking down the pediatric ward before stopping at the nurses' station. One of the nurses pointed towards him making both women look at him.

"Ma'am, anything I can help you with?" He starts off.

One of the serious looking women replied, "Hello Mr Horan. I am Detective Olivia Wilson from London Police Department," she pulls up her badge, "and this is Miss Charlotte King from social services. We need to speak to Evangeline Green's primary care doctor."

"I'm sorry but Dr Styles is currently in a meeting and will be back later."

"I am here to take a statement from Miss Green and it is a matter of urgency. Is there any way for us to meet Dr Styles as soon as possible?" Detective Wilson said with a hint of firmness in her voice.

Sensing the importance of the situation, he immediately pages Harry. "I have paged him and please give a few moments before he arrives. Shall I take you to his office first?"

Harry strode quickly towards his office after he got the page. A page from Niall could only mean Evangeline, plus, he needs to get out of that boring briefing about a company selling their techs.

"What happened? She alright?" Harry said as he arrived.

Before Niall got the chance to reply, Detective Wilson cut in, "Detective Olivia Wilson, London Police Department and as you know this is Charlotte King, social service. You must be Dr Harry Styles."

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