Chapter Three

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Slightly long chapter because it's been awhile since I updated. Love you guys! xxx



Evangeline stares at the curly haired doctor in front of her. His touch surprises her but the warmth and gentleness from his hand brings comfort to her heart. She can't help but leans in to his touch as he gently caresses her calloused cheek. She hums in content making Harry chuckle at the little girl's affection.

"This feels nice, yeah?" He said as his thumbs occasionally rub a spot near her ear making her lean in closer to his touch.

Harry never do this to his patients – being affectionate and everything. Sure, he cares for his patients and he loves them all but being with Evangeline means something much more than that. It's a little bit funny; he thinks, as he just met the girl a few hours ago, yet he already feels a strong connection towards her.

Evangeline cannot remember the last time someone touches her in such a loving way. Every fiber inside her mind screams danger and that she should be growling and barking to protect herself, but the sense of serenity that the man offers is something that is so rare for her.

She loves it. She loves how he is so gentle with her, and the way he looks into her eyes, it held a caring demeanor which she misses ever since her parents passed away. Although she knows that he is nobody but a stranger, at least he gives something that she longs the most.

Harry tries to tuck her hair, but the loud flinch from the possibly-abused little girl makes him stops his action. Her eyes are squeezed tight and her teeth are clenched as if she was holding in the pain that never comes.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Evangeline." He repeats as he proceeds to tuck her hair. Evangeline exhales the breath that she didn't even realize she was holding in and open her eyes. His hand feels so soft against her skin and Harry makes a mental note to ask one of the nurses to bathe her.

"Can you talk, darling?" Harry asks, his curiosity gets the best of him. The little girl continues to stare emotionlessly but after a few moments, she shakes her head which makes Harry frowns.

His patient is supposed to be nine years old, she should have some basic communication skills. The more information he knows, the harder for Harry to process the whole situation.

The frown and anger on the man's face make Evangeline a little bit scared. She has seen it all before – the frown, the change of attitude, it never ends well.

You are not allowed to speak without permission, that is what she has been taught after years of foster care but after staying with Mr Sloan for a year, she learned that it's best to keep her mouth shut. She cannot remember the last time she uses the voice of hers.

Harry can see the distress on the little girl's face and immediately went to a comforting mode, "Oh, don't worry dear. We'll cross that bridge when the time comes, okay."

Evangeline is not quite sure what Harry is telling her but she nods nevertheless. She just wants to please this man, it's what she has been taught to do. Evangeline jumps when the door beeps again and another man comes into the room. He's the one that try to hold her the first time she came to the hospital and she didn't like him one bit.

"Dr. Hunt," Harry nods to his colleague in which the other doctor replied with a grunt. He picks the patient's file and skims down the notes and information from the last time he assessed the patient.

"Evangeline Green." He said sending shivers down Evangeline's spine. His voice sounded so much like Mr. Sloan's making her growl as a protection.

Owen Hunt does not understand the situation. Who can blame him, he is, after all, a trauma surgeon and he was a surgeon on a battlefield before – abused children are not really his specialty. He truly wants to help the little girl but he feels helpless at the same time.

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