Chapter seven

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The past 3 days have been hell for Harry. He thought when the feral child first came to the hospital

growling and barking at the staffs. But, now, her voice remains quiet throughout the whole time.

They managed to get the rape kit test done and even then, Evangeline remains quiet the whole – only whimpering now and then. They ensured that her stitches are still intact and now, she is there for further observation.

Even though the infection has died down, she still has major issues that need to cover. Her bruises are not fading as fast as Harry would want to and she is still skin and bones. Plus, to ensure her safety, she has to stay at the hospital for a longer time – not that Harry minded.

Harry is doing his rounds and Evangeline is the last patient.

"Evangeline Green. Post-op from the surgery is great. There is minimal scarring and bruising around the area of the incision. BP and temperature are stable. Overall, the infection has died down, but antibiotic should be continued until it is all gone." The resident, Luke, explained.

"Alright, any concern?"

Luke flips the charts again, "She's a little bit anemic based on the CBC."

"Alright, run another set of CBC and Chem-7. Send the results right away." Harry ordered as Luke takes note in the chart.

The attending then moves his attention towards the expressionless girl laying on her bed. "Hello, Evangeline." He gives a bright smile which was not returned.

Ever since the incident, Evangeline has been quieter, and her gaze is unmoving from the wall in front of her. Harry notices the how distance her eyes look liked and Niall noted that she has been rather unresponsive for the past few days.

"So, today, we get to remove this tube of yours and maybe we can get you some real food during lunch later, aye?" Harry said enthusiastically. "Any special orders for my special flower?" Harry asked as he bent down to meet Evangeline's blue eyes.

What could Harry expect? That this feral child suddenly asks for chicken nuggets?

What he didn't expect was the child to cower away from him and flinching when he tries to put her hair away from the face. The surgeon frowns a little bit from the gesture but understands the whole situation.

The loud silence makes him nod and stands up from his position, "I guess Nurse Niall is just going to surprise you with some delicious food later," Harry said trying to light up the mood.

He takes one last look at Evangeline's monitor taking note of her current vitals before ushering his team out of the room. He gives one last look to the girl as he stands by the door, "Have a good day, flower. I'll see you soon."

With that, he gives a tight smile and walks away with a sting in his eyes.

He just wants the best for this patient.



When lunch comes around, Niall is a tad bit nervous. The last time he tried to feed to the poor girl, he managed to get food spited on him and a whole mess followed after. But, the determination is held strong as he walks to the room by the nurse's station as he gives a nod to Paul who was standing by the door.

"Hello, Miss Evangeline." Niall said brightly as he placed a tray of food by the bed.

Harry has strictly ordered that all Evangeline's food is supervised by him and no one but the two nurses – Niall and his colleague, Eleanor, is ever going to deliver the food to the patient's room. Honestly, the monitored room has a very limited access and only certain people can enter the room.

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