Chapter Four

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It's been a while. 



Evangeline did not speak or cause any hassle after Harry left the room. In fact, she remains terrifyingly quiet as Niall observes her the whole day. The male nurse was surprised when Evangeline didn't make any response when he pumped in the dinner that she refuses to eat.

The feral child remains quiet and unresponsive to speech the next two days and Harry is getting frustrated. Today is her surgery and Harry cannot predict what will happen. It's a simple procedure but what the doctor is more nervous about is Evangeline's response to the surgery.

Harry plans to visit the little girl just before he goes to scrub in for the surgery so that he can explain what's going to happen. As the young doctor approach Evangeline's room, she could hear whimpers coming from the room and immediately speed walk towards it. He quickly scans his I.D and opens the door only to see the little girl sobbing quietly on the hospital bed.

"Hey, Eva, what's wrong?" Harry asks as he takes long strides towards the crying girl. They had removed her restraints yesterday since she was not acting violent and they got the permission to do so from psyche department.

As soon as he nears her bed, he notices the all too familiar stench coming from the bed. He could only sigh and pages Niall to the room. The doctor bends to the little girl's level before slowly removing her hands from her face.

"It's alright, darling. We'll get you fix up in no time." He said while brushing her hair from her face. He quickly wipes the tears as Evangeline looks at him with wide eyes. Harry gives her a small smile as daps down any remaining tears from her eyes, "It's okay to have an accident. It happens to the best of us."

Evangeline did not understand on why this person hasn't punished or yelled at her. She has been here for three days but none of them is showing a sign of danger and that confuses the hell out of her.

A familiar beep startles her as Niall walks in with a comforting smile on his face. He held a piece of pull up, some wipes and a new set of clothes for the little girl. Niall was hesitant to shower her on the first day she arrived but since the girl didn't pay any attention to him – even when he was cleaning her privates, he didn't mind to do a quick cleaning to his now favorite patient.

"Good morning, Dr. Styles. Good morning to you too, Evangeline."

Evangeline loves Niall. He has always cheered her up and during her three days stay, he has been reading her stories before bed even though she did not understand one bit he was reading. But, she sure loves the pictures on the books that he reads from.

Niall pulls down the railings on her bed before removing the sheets, "Let's get you all clean up, shall we?" Niall said as he lifts the severely underweight girl into his arms. The experienced nurse had learned that Evangeline cannot walk so the only way to mobile her around was to carry her.

Niall carries Evangeline to the connected bathroom before setting her on the toilet seat. He rolls down the changing mat and gently peels off Evangeline's clothes. Niall lays her down before cleaning her privates and putting the pull up on her.

"All done!" He said as he gently tickles causing her shriek a bit. Niall sighs to himself – he has tried all the tricks he knows to crack the girl's shell but none of them is working, in fact, some make it worse.

Harry who was making notes on the chart, looks up to see Evangeline in Niall's arms. "Housekeeping changes her sheets so it's all clean now." Niall thanked him before setting Evangeline back to her bed.

Harry sets back the chart down before taking a seat next to the girl, "Hey, Evangeline. Remember when I talk to you about fixing you up?" He starts off as he looks at his patient. Evangeline nods and Harry continues, "Today is the day. In a few minutes, a doctor will come in to make you feel very sleepy. Then, we are going to fix you right up."

Evangeline is scared. As far as she could remember, the last time someone put her to sleep, she woke up feeling sore in her lower regions. She couldn't walk straight for days and Mr. Sloan keeps forcing her to clean the whole house.

As an immediate response, she shakes her head wildly and clutches the blanket on her bed. Harry could see a look of pure terror on her face and he immediately feels sorry for her. He went to grab her hand, "It's okay, flower." Harry didn't know where that comes from. "Everything is going to be okay, I'll be here when you wake up. Niall's going to be here too, right?"

The Irish man nods, "Sure. I'll be here next to you. Dr. Styles is a great surgeon, he'll take a great care of you."

Evangeline points down to her lower regions and shakes her head. Both men has a confused look on their face but Evangeline continues to shake her head wildly while pointing to her privates. Harry seems to get the pieces together and anger boils inside him.

How can a little girl went through this much? Harry couldn't believe himself. Someone drugged her and she was molested after. That's the reason she was so scared when he said that he's putting her to sleep.

"Everything will be alright, love. No one is going to hurt you." Harry tries to explain. He gently pulls her shirt up, "You see this yucky thing here?" He said as he points to her belly button, "I'm just going to clean this up and we'll get you fix up in no time. No one is going to touch you down there."

Evangeline grips his hand before holding out her pinky finger. Harry hooks his before shaking it, "I promise, I'm going to take a good care of you."

Just as Evangeline about to close her eyes and lean into Harry's comforting touch, a doctor walks into the room. "Hello there, Evangeline. My name is Dr. Grey but you can call me Meredith. I heard a certain brave girl is having a surgery today, is that right?"

Harry silently thank Meredith's way with children because she's the best children's anesthesiologist he's ever known. She proceeds to bend to the little girl's level before making small talk with her. Harry watches from afar as Evangeline nods or shakes her head nervously while looking at him once in a while.

Meredith was done with her questions and stories when a nurse rolls in some stuff for Evangeline's anesthesia. "So, what I'm going to do is push this little medicine into your I.V. that will make you feel very sleepy. That's it."

Evangeline looks at Harry with wide eyes and he gives her a smile, "Hey, it's going alright. I promise I'll be here when you wake up, right?"

The little girl turns her attention towards the blonde doctor before nodding. Meredith smiles before picking up a syringe, "Ready, my brave tiger?"

Evangeline wasn't ready at all and she is scared for what's about to come. But the assurance and comforting words from Harry makes her feel a little better. She nods to the doctor and Meredith plunges the medicine into her vein. Her eyelids feel so heavy and she can't help but closes her eyes.

"I'll see you when you wake up, flower."

That's the last thing she heard before darkness fills her vision as she drifted to sleep.



Sorry everyone for not updating. Thank you so much for getting this to 1k reads!!

Love you guys! :) *hugs and kisses*

jamie xx

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