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Warning: Mild graphic content

Harry sits in one of the examination room as his resident stitches the cut above his eyebrow. His eyes closed as he takes a few deep breathes trying to shake off the anger bubbling inside him.

Images of Evangeline being straggled and her screams echo in his mind making his eyes snap open and exhale a sharp breath. Luke who was trying his best not to do more damage to his attending, gasp at Harry's sudden move.

"Sorry." the older muttered.

Luke nods and resumes to stitch the small cut. The silence in the room is deafening and he can literally feel the tension clouding the small room.

The last stitch was snipped and Luke throws his glove away. "There, done."

Harry stands up from the bed but his movement was halted when he found himself stumbling. "You had a minor concussion, Dr. Styles. It wouldn't wise to walk around in this circumstance."

Harry grumbled and went to sit down again. He rubs his hand on his face before exhaling loud. "I- just. Do you know what happened to the patient – Evangeline Green?"

After the whole incident, he has been dragged by his resident and another male nurse to an examination room. As for Mark, the bastard was taken in questioning by the hospital's security and police officers. He hasn't heard anything about Evangeline since. All he knows that his trust with Evangeline is probably shattered after what she has seen.

"Last I heard, your husband was with her together with Nurse Niall. Dr. Hunt has been paged to monitor her and assist when needed." Luke explained as he writes on the chart.

"I need you to do something, Hemmings. You go and make sure no one, I mean it Hemmings, no one but you, my husband, Nurse Horan, Dr. Hunt and me myself get to access Evangeline's room. You monitor her closely and I need an update every hour." Harry instructed as he struggles to keep the blinding lights away.

The resident nods and walk away from the room. Harry sighs to himself before trying to stand up again. His steps are wobbly and he has a tight grip on the I.V. pole but he manages to get the lights to be dimmed. The pounding in his skull lessened but the traumatising image of Evangeline plastered on his mind like a plague.

The patient has captured his heart. Even though she is as wild as an animal, but Harry feels some sort of connection with her. He wants to discover more things about her. He wants to help her as much as he can. Sure, helping people has been something Harry love, but with Evangeline, it's so much more.

She makes him realize how fucked up the world is. However, he is determined to change her life for the better.

"Hey Haz."

Harry snaps from his deep thinking as he looks at his husband. He's still wearing his scrubs not quite similar to Harry's navy ones but the grey scrubs look good on him – despite how much Harry loathes the colour.

"Hey, babe," Harry says as his husband walks towards him and kiss the top of his head. "How's Evangeline? The girl – is she alright? Wait, why are you not with her?"

"Woah, slow down tiger. Easy on the questions." Louis said noticing that his lover is getting worked up. "Evangeline's alright. Hunt gives some sedative and she's currently asleep. Niall and your resident are with her currently."

Harry breathes out a relief and leans towards Louis' side, "That's good to hear."

"How are you, love?" Louis asked as he notices the stitches.

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