Continuation of chapter 11

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I sighed and kept the phone on the counter. Ashley's cousin? I don't remember Ashley ever mention a cousin before. I let that thought slide. She doesn't have to tell me everything. I don't tell her everything about my life either but she told Shaun. I prepared the pasta and was halfway through the garlic bread when I heard the doorbell ring.

I didn't want or need any more drama now. I just wanted Jeff to be behind that door standing with his textbook and that's exactly what I saw. I sighed and gave him a smile. He was in a sleeveless black top with severely ripped blue jeans. He was wearing a black cap that said, " Stud ". When he saw me smile, he removed his cap, ran his fingers through his hair and returned the smile.

He was always dressed as a cool dude and pulled off the look really well. I raised an eyebrow, " Well, well. Where is your textbook? I thought you were here to study. ". His grin broadened and he said, " As much as I hate studying....but it's important so, I did bring them but saved the extra work of carrying them. ". I frowned and saw Jeff point above his head.

There were the books. They were floating above his head! My mouth hung open in shock. I truly wished that I had powers as such. He raised his eyebrows saying, "Controlling the wind is an art and you need to be perfect at it like I am. ". He pointed his finger at himself. I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically, " I hope you are coming in today itself, Master of the wind.".

He smiled and said while coming in, " I like that! Jeffrey, Master of the winds. ". I smiled shaking my head. He was funny. I was seeing this side of his for the first time. He was actually sweet. We went upto my room and began studying. He insisted on sitting down on the carpet. I didn't protest. We had a great time studying. We used our phones to get some extra information. We learnt a lot in the process.

We were doing well, when Jeff looked at me and his expression turned serious. Was I supposed to be alarmed? He swallowed and said with a heavy voice, "Can you forgive me for all that I have done? Will you ever be able to forgive me for all that I have done? ". I gave him a smile and said reassuringly, " I remember something which my Dad always tells me, ' Forget it and move on ', I have done that and I think you should do it too. ".

Jeff looked down at his folded legs and said with an uneven smile, " Have you prepared dinner? Cause I smell pasta. ". We were at the dining table. The garlic bread was not ready so I dropped the idea of serving them. We had a great time eating, laughing and joking around. Jeff gave me an intense look, cleared his throat and said, " So,... we are friends now huh? ". I looked at him, eyes wide, clearly suprised at the question.

I quickly swallowed the mouthful of pasta without chewing and said, " Ya... Of course. You doubt that? ". He chuckled to himself and refused to that statement. He spoke with his eyes in his plate, " The first rule in friendship is that you should always share your secrets with a friend. Makes your friendship stronger. ". He was getting really demanding now. This was way too fast.

If God comes down before me and tells me he is God, I'll make him prove it a hundred times before I can believe him. I'm that kind of a person. I don't trust people easily. As if reading my thoughts, he said, " Okay, fine. To make things easier I'll go first. ". He leaned a bit closer, " A secret I've never told anyone and wasn't going to but changed my mind. ". He gave me that look which parents give their children, trying to lure them into being good.

I sighed and said, " Sure. You go first and then I'll tell you a secret in return. ". I could see that Jeff didn't expect me to agree and was a bit surprised. He put his fork down and looked at me with challenging eyes, " Hang on to your seat because this secret is my past. ". My eyes widened. Jeff's past, this is going to be interesting. I got comfortable in my seat.

Jeff laughed and said, " So.. are you ready? ". I said confidently, " Bring it on!! ".

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