19. Hiding

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19. Hiding

I knew she wanted something. I just knew it. She's after Ryan.

{ R Y A N ' s  P O V }

I could tell by the look in Noah's eye, this wasn't a good matter. It was a very dangerous situation.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked her. She looked scared and looked at me. She visibly relaxed, and leaned into my touch. She shook her head, no.

"C'mon, babe. Tell me." I persuaded her.

"She is coming after you." She sniffled. No, she won't get me. She couldn't. I'm too big of a guy.

She hugged me and cried. I picked her up bridal style and carried her over to the bed from the couch. I let her down and I made an effort to go talk to her father. But she didn't want me to go.

I laid in bed with her until I heard her soft snores. I carefully got up and checked the windows. I made sure each was locked. I checked them all twice. I locked the safe room doors and left to go to Gary's study. My dad was down there with him.

"Just in time son. I was gonna come and get you." My dad announced.

"She is out to get me." I groaned. I sat down and rubbed my hands against my face.

"We know." They replied, simultaneously.

"She wrote us a note. And she will come for you by the time strikes 12. She'll be here by midnight. We reckon if you and Noah, Demi and Jake, Greg and Lara, and myself will be in the safe room with all the entrances locked. We will stock up on food, drinks, and blankets. Go get Noah and tell her." He explained.

I ran upstairs and opened Noah's door. She was gone. I panicked. In less than 5 seconds, she came out the bathroom yawning. I hopped up and hugged my baby girl.

"Babe, what's wrong. Is everything okay?" She sounded worried and tired at the same time.

"I thought she got to you." I whispered on her shoulder. I was still hugging her 5'5" frame. She stroked my head and cooed sweet things in my ear. She giggled and I looked up at her.


"This should be reversed. But I think it's cute how you're pouting." She pecked my lips.

I laughed and explained the plan to her. She shook her head, and got out the blankets from her closet and moved her bed to the side. I helped unlock the door and threw the blankets in. She ran into the guest room and got Demi and Jake to help. They ran downstairs and grabbed a bunch of goods and brought it up. They grabbed drinks, snacks, and candy. Lots of it too. We put in lots of our clothes too, just in case.

By the time we finished it was about 6 o'clock. 6 more hours, I told myself.

We went around and locked all of the doors to the house, windows, and all the safe doors. We all scattered around, on edge.

My mom and dad, Jake, Demi, and Noah went to go and cover up all the safe doors, so they'd be hidden. Gary and I went around and collected all of the hidden keys, and put up the hidden cameras. Once we finished that, we all went into the basement and went to the last hidden door and all got in. This door automatically locked and covered itself. When we got in, it was about 11:36. We all went to the separate rooms and just waited.

{twelve o'clock midnight}

We all gathered around the main room, in front of the surveillance screens. At first, we saw nothing, then a couple seconds later we heard before we saw. A loud bang erupted from upstairs. We all focused on the monitors. Her face came into view, but what made Noah cower back was a woman in black with the same features as her.

Her mom.

I looked over at her dad and saw that his face visibly paled. Along with Noah's. My mom sat crying in my dad's arms. And Noah was too. Same with Demi. We all had monitors back in the separate rooms, so we went back in our individual rooms and stayed there.

"Ryan." A sickly, sweet voice sang. Noah clung to my chest, hyperventilating. I hurried to the bathroom and grabbed her inhaler. I gave it to her and she breathed in the air it forced her to take in.

{ N O A H ' s  P O V }

It was now about twelve and all we heard was Casey screaming and the place upstairs being destroyed, all we saw through the monitors were her, mom, Grace, and a bunch of other people destroying, and all we felt were the vibrations from upstairs. So far, they haven't discovered we were here. All they know is that we fled the country or something.

I personally think that's a great idea, but apparently, they would just follow us. So, at that point, I just kept my mouth shut.

We stayed there for a couple more hours until they decided to camp out. Its a good think that we brought enough food for us to last months.

Okay, so the safe room contains about maybe 14 rooms total;  five bedrooms and bathrooms,  one kitchen, two living rooms, and 1 main room. The walls were a plain blue, some were white, and some were a cream color. It was like a penthouse but not quite. I just hope we get out of this soon. I'm scared. Not for me, but for Ryan.

I soon felt Ryan falling asleep, I started to fall asleep but got scared when I heard my dad come in with a worried look.

"I got scared and came to check for you and Ryan. Everyone else is okay. Don't worry, if they get in the alarm will sound." He softly spoke. I nodded and fell asleep fully.


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