Nobody Knows

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I pushed my glasses up on my nose as I waited for someone to walk towards me and say "thats me" or "right here". I furrowed my eyebrows cause nobody flinched.

"August Anthony Alsina?" I looked up from the clipboard and thats when a tall man came walking towards me.

"Hi, are you Anthony."

"Call me August."

"Ok, August. You can follow me to the back."

I turned around and made a face cause all I asked was his name, I mimicked him in my head rolling my eyes. When I got to a room that I prepared for my next patient I flipped the occupied sigh and closed the door behind us.

"Alright, How are you?"

"Im good."

"What brings you here today."

"Well, this about to sound crazy, so don't think im crazy."

"I work in a clinic for a living, you can only imagine what kind of crazy stuff I hear, but im all ears." I took off my glasses pushing them in my hair.

"Its my fiancé."

I wanted to cut him off right then and there, but I was kind of interested. We've had men and women come to check on their spouses results, you know how that goes. All we need is for you to confirm a few things about your spouse and the answers are yours.

"Your fiancé?"

"Yes, so we've gotten mail from here a couple of times and she's not telling me whats in the mail. I was just wondering if you can look her up, tell me whats going on."

"Uh, yeah sure. I just need you to feel out a paper for me, i'll be right back."

"His fiancé?"

"Honey yes, you know these females cooties ain't clean, we see it every day Rob."

I laughed with one of my coworkers named Rob, he was one of my gay friends. I loved him to death, but don't get on his bad side cause he'll fuck you up. I seen it happen.

"Chile, who you telling. But he's a cutie, maybe you can drop your chicken dinner and get with a winner boo."

I rolled my eyes at him, Rob always tried to hook me up, knowing I had a man, well half of a man, all he do is sit at home and play 2K, it never works out. When I try to leave and tell him about himself he starts to act out of hand, I had to leave a couple of times but when I come back it always results in getting hit. I walked back to my patient's room handing him a clipboard and a paper.

"What's your fiancé name?"

"Rhonda Garrett."

I typed in the name and several things popped up, I sure hope he wasn't sleeping with her, maybe he needs to get checked.

"Oh man."

He stopped signing and looked at me. "Something wrong."



I looked at him and back at my computer. "August, you might want to look for yourself. "

He rushed over to my computer and read over the screen.

"2012, Chlamydia, 2015, Chancroid, 2017 HIV/AIDS?! What the fuck."

"Um, August. Are you or have you been sexually active with Ms.Garrett?"

"Hell no, and im glad I wasn't."

"There was no sexual intercourse? Not even any kissing?"

"I mean, we kissed a few times. Here and there, im not into all that tongue me down shit, maybe a peck."

I nodded clicking out of his fiancé files. "Would you like to be tested? Just to be on the safe side?"

"Yeah, I would like that."

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