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3 shots and 2 beers each later we were at the point of tipsy where everything is funny and all social expectations are non existent. Ace shirt was now half unbuttoned and his hair now a half dried, sexy, mess.

He was telling me one of my favourite stories about him when he was younger. I was laughing so hard that I almost fell off my stool and snorted. I slap my hands over my mouth in horror and he chuckles deeply.

"Haven't heard you laugh like that in a while, cute mi amor."

I blush from both the snort and the compliment. Then my half drunk half sober confidence comes back. I narrow my eyes at him playfully.

"I'm not always cute you know. I've matured into a woman."

He raised an eyebrow.

"I can see the woman bit but the mature bit...meh...really?"

"Ugh. Yeah really."

I reply sassily. I fill his shot glass to the brim and look at him devilishly, into those beautiful eyes of his.

"Now, this game is anything but cute."

"Drinking game? Have you met me? I'm the King of them."

"Well I'm the Queen."

I say this almost instinctively. His eyes glint at my comment.

"Well m'lady, explain the game to your King."

My heart skips a beat. My King? Why did that make me so happy? I cough nervously but don't let it get to me too much, especially in the state I'm in.

"Okay, well, it's simple. Body shots."

He smirks.

"I have, mi encanta this game."

"Me too, I'll go first, chose a place in your body for me to lick the salt and lime off."

He sighs and rubs his stubble covered jaw. I celebrate internally. I'm getting to him.

"This definitely is not cute."

He chuckles huskily. Leaning forward he pull his shirt open a bit more to expose more of his perfectly defined chest. He then licks his fingers to wet his chest and sprinkles the salt on the damp patch of skin, then dropping a few drops of lime into the spot next to it, letting the juice drop down under his shirt as my breathing becomes heavier and my heartbeat quickens. I couldn't look away. I was in a trance.


He says eyeing me and making me jump a bit, gesturing to his chest.


I sit there for longer than necessary just staring. I finally get the courage and slink off my stool round to him. Cmon Andie this is your game.

I lean down slowly and place my hands on his thighs for balance. I feel him tense under my touch and for some reason I feel happy. I gaze at him before dipping my head down and licking up the line of salt and lime. I wince at the taste but then latch my lips onto Aces hot skin and suck, hard. I hear a grunt and a sigh as his chest starts to heave slightly. I slyly smile against his skin.

Once all the taste was gone I stand up straight as take the shot like a pro. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and smile cockily.

All he's doing is staring at me, his eyes dark and mysterious.

"And that's why they call me the Queen."

I say childishly and he scoffs.

"Well played my Queen, now let the King show you how it's done."

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