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The next day I wake up at about midday and find thy Ace has already left. Leaving a note on the kitchen counter.

Mi amor,
    Thank you for last night. It's jut what I needed from what I can remember and I'm glad we are okay again. Sorry if I was inappropriate at all. You know what alcohol does to me.
      Your Ace.

I sigh feeling stupid for last night. I want Ace to be happy and that's not with me. Plus I have Jason. Jason whom I'm seeing today. I rush upstairs, taking the note with me and put it in my bed side draw before showering again.

After my quick shower I change into something to make me feel good about myself. I settle on black skinny jeans,  and fishnet tights with a black crop top and oversized denim jacket. Pretty hot but conservative.

Just as I'm finishing m mascara I here a knock at the door and rush down to it.

Swinging the door open I stumble forward into Jason's hard form. Unfortunately he wasn't expecting either and we both fall back onto the porch floor, luckily still undercover from the continuous rain.

"Shit! I'm so sorry J!"

I lean on his chest to push myself up and hover over him. He leans on his elbows and look at me, chuckling.

"It's okay, I don't mind this position. Although I do prefer to be on top."

Rolling my eyes I dip down to capture his lips in a deep kiss. I melt into his plump lips. I can't fault his technique as he sits us up and cups the left side of my face.

Not Ace though...

Shit up. I like this.

Not as much as you like Ace...

I block my conscious out and pull away from J. I bite my lip at the sight of his flushed skin.

"So what do you want to do today?"

I smile up at him as we stand and make our way into the house.


I turn and raise a brow at him.

"All in good time Mr. Lavier."

Sure. When you gives up on Ace.

I focus harder on keeping my head focused on Jason.

"My fathers Mr. Lavier."

"How is he?"

I chuckle remembering his state last night. Then other memories of last night creep into my mind. Aces mouth on my skin. I get turned on jut thinking about it.

I shake the thoughts out of my mind and plop down on the sofa next to Jason, throwing my legs over his.

"He's fine. Nothing some paracetamol and water won't fix."

He huff, hanging his head back to stare at the ceiling blankly.

"Oh cmon J. Give him a break, not like you've never been drunk before."

He now faces me, piercing me with his emerald eyes. I like the way he looks at me. I really do. But I want to feel as amazing as I do when Ace looks at me...and it's just not as strong.

"True, but he ruined my night with you."

I yelp as he grabs my waist and pulls me onto his lap to straddle him. I rest my hands over his broad shoulders as his hands grip my waist.

"There's always now."

I say lowly, purring it my words.

Maybe this is what I need?

The amount of sexual tension built up in my body is unhealthy and there's only so much I can do to myself.

I start to roll my hips against his crotch and he closes his eyes. I giggle triumphantly and his eyes open quickly.

He digs his fingers further into my hips whilst gazing into my doe like eyes. I bite my lip and he brings his face to mine to kiss me deeply.

Guilt suddenly washes over me.

What am I doing?

I like Jason but I can't sop thinking about Ace.

This isn't fair on anyone.

I pull away from his lips and stop my hips, pressing our foreheads together.

"I really like you Andie."

He breathed out.

This is what I was afraid of. I don't want to hurt him. But. The big but -lol- about this is that Ace loves someone else and even if he didn't, it could never happen between us.

"I like you too."

I mumble and he gleams at me, pulling me in for another kiss.

"So what do you wanna do now?"

"Still you."

"J, stop being so horny and be cute with me."

"Fine, but what do you expect? You're breath taking."

He sighs, making me giggle and blush at the same time.

"Well it's 3:45pm so I vote that we order Chinese and watch Teen Wolf."

I say excitedly. I fucking love Teen Wolf. And Chinese. I watch him roll his eyes but I know I'm gonna get my way anyway.

"I think you mean, that's what we're doing and I'm gonna have to like it."

"Yeah! You're learning so fast."

I laugh, squeezing his cheeks.

After we got our food and started to watch Teen Wolf I begin to feel sleepy. My head is leant against Jason's chest, his hands protectively on my waist. I listen to his rhythmic heartbeat and feel his chest move up and down as he breaths gently, making me slowly drift into a comfortable sleep.


891 words.

Sooooo I'm off on holiday in a couple of days for two weeks. Yayyyyyy! So this is probably gonna be the last update for a couple of weeks unless I can squeeze one more in. But if not I'm sorry! But I'm go on holidayyy! Let's go to the beach beach lets go get away!
Anyway, let me know what you guys think of this chapter. It was kind of a filler but needed for where I'm going with the story next. I think y'all are gonna like it. I hope anyway.
Do the usual and leave comments, questions, ideas, suggestions, advise etc.
Lots of love xoxo

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