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           America sat at the table surrounded by his fellow countries. Everyone was trying to make sense of America being a father of at least 50 different kids. 50. and America. America the immature, loud, obnoxious, young country managing over 50 kids? A little unbelievable. Trying to run damage control America shifted the younger girl to sit on the table as he pulled out his phone.

     " Look you dudes can totally grill me about this or whatever just let me get these two back to their meeting.." America said while typing furiously on his phone. Everyone was mulling over the news, questions flying through their heads. Russia seemed to recover first and asked an easy question as to remind America that the rest of them are still there.

    " America," Russia stepped closer to the sitting country, the tiny child who still sat on his lap looked up at him. Russia tried his best not to directly stare at the child and keep his focus on America. " What are you doing on your phone?"

"YEAH! You bloody git- You can't just drop a bombshell like this then play games on your phone!!" England interrupted. America looks up at Russia then throws a glance at England. America looked a little peeved but that's understandable, his biggest secret just got outed; And by the secrets themselves. America sighed and handed his phone to the little girl sitting on the table.

    " I was texting some of the older kids to come take these two back and give me the damage report -" America turned his full intention to the other countries. " The fact that my oldest of all people dropped them off and broke the like #1 rule means that it's most likely complete chaos. I just need to know how bad."

The countries nodded, that seemed reasonable. Still they want an explanation after all you don't hide 50 kids for no reason. Germany was able to speak up next.

    "America, if I may ask, how long have you exactly...had your 'kids'?"

    "How long?" America seemed to ponder that. " Well some states were here before I even really became a country-" America continued but England had stopped listening. That long? That long and England had been non-the wiser, he had no clue for over 200 years he had no idea. Does he even know America at all? He figured he'd have his own conversation with America afterwards for now he'll learn as much as he can about these 'kids'.

" -So yeah a while." Lilo, the little girl, tugged on his sleeve. " What's up kid?" she handed him the phone. " Oh cool, Well two my other kids are right outside. I'm gonna have them give me the full report-" America got up while saying this. He placed the little boy back on the chair and helped Lilo down from the table. He turns to the countries. " Watch them for a sec yea?" With that he walked off to the door.

There stood the personifications of England, France, Russia, Canada, Germany, Italy(both), Spain, Japan, and Prussia. Some of the countries elected to take a seat as to not overwhelm the tiny ones. The girl looked fine all things considered. She just sat there and fumbled with her bracelet. The boy looked very uncomfortable though. He kept glancing around and looking over at the door where America was talking to people they couldn't see yet. England really wanted to more but he wasn't the best with kids for some reason so he nudged France to say something. Though France didn't want to be the first one to say something so he shoved back....That led to them just shoving each other and arguing silently. Spain tried to get then to stop thinking they were going to scare the kids but they were unfazed by the loudness. Prussia decided to break the silence, he couldn't stand it after all.

" Ja, Anyway what did you say your names were kids?" Prussia moved to be closer so he ends up leaning against the table. The girl piped up first, she pointed straight at Prussia.

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