Working out whats going on pt.1

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As the three older states guided Zachary through some of the yards they started asking him
questions. Questions like if he remembers certain things. Of course the answers were 'no'. Zachary thought about it while they walked him around. The rather tall one with the hat was talkative and a bit loud but he seemed nice enough. The darker haired boy seemed in the same boat just a little more random, it seems he got distracted rather easily. The girl with light hair seemed to easily refocus the other two and they listened to her rather well. 'It's almost like she's done this before..' Zachary thought. He has questions sure but would it be okay to ask? He feels like this is right, like he knows these people but coming into the world by just appearing and then getting pushed into people he may or may not know takes a lot of your energy.
" You okay over there pal?" Zach was broken from his thoughts to look over at the voice finding no one he remembered. ' ah right the dudes like 6ft' and adjusted his gaze accordingly. Realizing he hadn't answered yet he stammered a response.
"A-Ah yes! yea yea I'm...okay"
"You don't look okay pal." Before he could respond the he turned towards the other two in their small group. "Hey ya'll I'm gonna take Zachy to the pond to chill out that cool, Pense?"
'Pense?? I thought her name was Sophia?' Zach thought while looking to said girl for her response.
"hmm..I guess that's alright. Just be back in the house in 45 mins okay, Dad might wanna talk to Zach one on one. Got it Tex?" 'Tex' Nodded.
"Loud and clear Pense!" 'Tex' then put his hands on Zach's shoulders and directed him in a different direction but as they walked away he heard the other kid ask 'Pense' questions.
  " hey do you think he wants Allisons Pokémon card collection, because if not i want dibs."
" WhA- QUINN! That's so insensitive!"
" But it is it a yes or no?"
"Ugh come on lets just go."
"You go imma find Colorado, he's always doing something fun!"
That's all Zach heard while they we're walking away. While walking in silence Zach's mind couldn't keep the silence'I should really ask his name again..Ughhh but that's so embarrassing! He already told me his name! It's.......oh god..What was It?? okay okay it has to do with 'Tex' Yeah? Okay okay uh Texmeh? No..Texie? No that sounds like a stripper name......why do I know that? Tex -Tex- Texas!! No that's stupid..'
" Stop thinking so hard or you'll bust a gear up there." Tex once again cut him out of his thoughts by tapping him in the head.
"S-sorry! Just uhm, what's..oh god..i know you told me but what's your name again?" Surprisingly all he did wad laugh.
" HAHA- ha Don't worry about it pal, I'm José. Or Texas if yer fancy." They stopped right in front of a pond. It was a rather large pond. It was surrounded by bushes and some benches. Texas took a seat on one of the said benches. Zach stood still.
" Well ya just gonna stand there or are you gonna join me kid" Texas chuckled as Zach scrambled to sit down with out falling. " So, I know I'm not exactly the most qualified state to answer any questions but you looked like you needed a break. So got any questions? About being a state or the house and all that."


WOW! Me updating the main book?! Also 80K????? UhM thank you??
Also fun little thing with this chapter ask some questions about how the whole state thing works or Jones family dynamics and I'll have them answered in the next chapter of this book as dialogue! Think of it like text options for a video game haha
More updates soon if you guys want!

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