Chapter TWO

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OK! so i cannot wait until tomorrow bc it is physically impossible for my brain to handle! SO! HERE IS CHAPTER 2!

Chapter 2

When I woke up, the sun was shining directly into my eyes. We were literally seconds away from the school parking lot, so I grabbed my bags and was ready to sprint off of the bus! I am ready to see my friends after an extra long Christmas vacation. IT was really cold outside so I made my way up the mountain of stairs leading to the front door really fast and then finally felt the warm burst of air as the front doors opened. I looked around really quickly and finally saw my peeps. I started walking towards my 3 best friends Kilah, Tonya, and JJ.

Kilah has bright red hair and you could see her from a mile away! But, I love her to death. Shes really cool, calm and collected; but can be fairly crazy when appropriate. She absolutely loves art and is very good at it as well. She doesn't care at all what anybody thinks of her, shes her own person at all times.

Tonya is the absolute crazy one! Shes just plain out weird, but she also doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. She can make a joke out of anything.

JJ, we've been friends since kindergarten and she is just an all around cool person. She has the prettiest blue eyes ever and like the others doesn't care what people think of her.

And then there is me, Lillie, I'm pretty average. I go to school everyday and whatnot and twitter is my life! I don't usually care what people think of me either, but then again, I have my limits. I'm pretty normal except I like this band called 5 Seconds of Summer. They're not very big though, they're still getting famous and all. Like twitter, the 5SOS fandom has become my life as well. Kilah and Tonya are pretty big 5SOS fans too. 5SOS is Australian and they all have really awesome accents. There is Ashton Irwin, hes the oldest at 18, Michael Clifford, hes 17, Calum Hood, also 17, and Luke Hemmings who is 16. Kilah is absolutely in love with Ashton, and Tonya has her eyes set on Michael. Me? I am a Calum girl 100%.

So as I was walking towards them I was thinking, "Oh my gosh I sure hope one of them has a class with me so I'm not alone ALL DAY LONG!" I got there and as I did they greet me with bunches of "Where were you?" and "If you hadn't walked through that door when you did we would have had serious problems missy!"

"Chill guys, my bus was caught behind the elementary bus for a while." I said answering them all in a calm and sleepy manner. "So what classes do you guys have this semester?" After they had told me, it ended up I had lunch with all of them and p.e with JJ. "This is gona be fun ain't it Lils?" she said throwing her arm around my shoulders "Uhm... if you say so." I said uncertainly. I didn't want to do p.e ever never ever!

"Hey guys..." Kilah said while staring behind us with a strange look on her face.

"What?" I said as I turned around to see what she was looking at and BOOM! I saw it. Right there, in the lobby of my very own high school, stood 5 Seconds of Summer. But nobody seemed to know who they were. They were just standing next to the vending machine together chilling with what looked like some of he popular guys. Great, they were already out of my social boundaries. But they didn't have to know that. JJ looked and then just stood there with her mouth wide open. "OMG!" Tonya said very loudly causing a couple of heads to turn our way. "TONYA!" I hissed in her ear. "DO NOT FAN GIRL! FANGIRLING IS BAD! CHILLING IS GOOD! THEY WILL THINK YOU'RE NORMAL FOR ONCE SO CALM DOWN!" She looked at me and said,"Lils, for once you're right. But how can you NOT! I mean LOOK at Michael!" "Tonya, Kilah, JJ, we have to keep ourselves together, ok?" the bell rang signaling first period. I looked over my shoulder at Calum. GOSH he was hot! It was too bad I wasn't in the popular crowd because with their accents, good looks and their charm, they were going to be getting all the girls. "If we see them but are by ourselves," I continued, "You have to stay calm and PLAY. IT. COOL! Ok guys?" They just shook their heads up and down with weird facial expressions. JJ turned and looked at me and said, "Lemme walk you to class ok?" and as usual I agreed.

As me and JJ walked to my first period which was math, I couldn't help but notice that Luke was walking in the same direction as us. JJ didn't fail to notice either. She wasn't a fan but has heard enough of mine, Tonya and Kilah's conversations to know who he is and who the band was. Then I noticed that we were following him! NO! JJ turned and looked at me quickly and with a serious face said, "Lillie, he just walked into your same math class. Have fun!" and then turned and walked away very quickly. I stood there for a second and then continued walking to class, 4 steps, 5 steps, 6 steps, 7 and I was at the doorway of my math class. I took a deep breath and took my first step in.

OMG CLIFFHANGER! How was it? Please leave comments and tell me what you thought! and btw i made them all a year younger just bc it makes more sense in the story so i guess its kinda like a fetus fan fic. OK so its after midnight so im goin to try and sleep now. please share with your friends and all! I love you guys!xx

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