Chapter 7

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Hi guys! Imma make this part a bit different! Its gonna be in Mikeys and Tonyas POV! :D HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!?! Ok so here it goes!!




"Hey Michael!"

I hear some girl call out my name, it might be a fan so I turn around to see where the sweet voice came from. When I turn around I see who must be Lillie.

She had dark velvet red hair, which she obviously had dyed, ripped skinny jeans, and Avengers t-shirt, glasses and a pair of DC's. She had a big smile on her face and was very pretty. I turn to look at my new buddy Jacob, he obviously knows her by the way he looks at her.

Then I realize I'm smiling like a big goon.

"Way to make yourself look like an idiot." I think.

"Hey Lils," I say still smiling, but not as idiotically.

"You know him?" Jacob asks her.

She just laughed.

"Yes I know him Jacob," she said, "don't freak out. He's an old friend of mine."

"Hey," I begin, "do either of you know what's for lunch today? I'm STARVING!"

Lillie laughs again, she has a nice laugh.

"Yeah," she begins, "having second lunch sucks."

"Yes! It does most definitely suck!" I say causing her to laugh again.

"I heard we have pizza today." Jacob says.


Lillie laughs again at my very obvious enthusiasm over pizza.

I don't care what anyone says, pizza is AMAZING. I don't know why I love it so much, its just... I can't even explain how it is. Its just... AH!

"So Lils," I begin, "you have second lunch you said?"

"Yeah." she replies sounding more like a question.

"You want me to walk you downstairs?" I ask.

Her face seems to glow and its like she got a boost of extra energy.

"Sure!" she says seeming very excited.

I laugh, "Cool!" I say.

"But," she says, "I have to wait and walk with my friend downstairs as well. Is that ok?"

"Are they a fan?" I ask warily. I don't necessarily feel like being mobbed in the middle of a high school, right before I get pizza.

"Yes," she said, "but she won't attack you I promise!" She rushed the end of it.

"If she does," she continues, "I will either A. disown her, B. Bite her, or C. lick her."

I start laughing so hard, this girl really knew how to get to me. She reminded me of Cal. I tried to imagine them together and it wasn't hard.

"You know she's being serious right?" Jacob asks me.

I look at her, 'You would really disown your friend if she attacked me?" I was surprised, she didn't seem like that kind of person.

She laughs again and says, "No, I would NEVER EVER disown Tonya! Lick her maybe, bite her sure, but NEVER disown her!"

I laugh again, this girl was so funny whether she meant to be or not.

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