Chapter 5

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ok sooooo ive had a slight case of writers block and a LOT of hmwrk on top of that! SO! it may be a bit weird but im takn it a step at a time so heres chapter 5! enjoy my minions! xx

Chapter 5

The bell rings signaling the end of class. Everybody scrambles to the wall to grab they're bags and go. This math class was the worst I've ever had. We have homework on the very first day! I slowly get up to get my bag and before I can even take a step, Luke is standing there with my bags in hand. I smile, "Thanks Luke." He grins, "You're welcome, I didn't think you wanted to fight you're way through the crowd." I laugh, "No,I'm not much for crowds." We continue to make small talk as I pack up my stuff until he asks, "Do you want me to walk you to you're next class?"

I pause for a second to comprehend what he just asked. I look at him and say, "I will give you the honour of walking me to class, if you introduce me to the rest of the guys." He smiles,"Consider it done. Whats your next class?" I groan, "Sadly, its p.e." "Oh it can't be that bad." he says encouragingly. We start walking towards the door leading outside. "Last semester," I begin, "all my friends were so sore after the first day they could hardly walk the next." Luke looks at me and says, "I wish you much luck then." "Hey!" I exclaim lightly pushing into him as we're walking. He laughs and nudges me back and we're both laughing. AS we continue walking I see my old friends Savannah from all my classes last semester. We're still friends just not as close because we don't have any classes together. She looked flushed and out of breath. "Hey Savannah!" I call out to her as she walks our way. She sees Luke and has a look of shock on her face but quickly recovers. "Hey Savannah, what's wrong?" "He's tall." she says looking up at Luke. I start laughing and so do they. "Savannah," I begin, "this is my friend Luke. Luke, this is my friend Savannah." "Nice to meet you Savannah." he says smiling."Hi!" Savannah says. "Hey," I began,"you said you had p.e for first period?" "Yeah!" she says. "Was it bad?" I ask warily. "It wasn't too bad." she says. "Oh, good!" I say relieved. "I got to go to class now," Savannah says,"I'll see you around Lillie!" "Bye!" I say as we start walking to the gym. "Now see," Luke says,"you had nothing to worry about!" "Fine, whatever." I say reluctantly.

We got to the doors of the gym and Luke gives me a hug. "You can do this Lillie, there's nothing to worry about." I start laughing. "Luke!" I exclaim,"it sounds like I'm about to do something horrible!" He starts laughing as well and says, "I thought p.e was horrible?" I'm still giggling when I say, "Yeah but it's not that bad! At least not according to Savannah." He just laughs and gives me another quick hug. "You better get going," I say, "or you'll be late to class." The minute bell rings as I say that. "Don't worry, I'll say I couldn't find the class room." I laugh and turn and walk into the gym and straight to JJ and a couple of other friends. I start talking to JJ and her friend Izzy and a couple of other friends Kyndra and Vicky. We were all standing there talking and laughing when the bell rings. We don't see the p.e teacher yet so we all just stay where we are and keep talking when JJ says, "Hoooleeey crap!" "What?!" we all ask. She points over to where Keaton and his girlfriend Kassie were standing and there was a new guy standing with them. I looked closer, he looked familiar to me for some reason. 'OH MY GOSH!" I exclaim loudly. "I know," JJ says, "he's HOT!" "NO! I mean yes he's hot but that's not it!" I say not able to hide my surprise. "Then what is it?" Kyndra asks. "I-I... I know him!" I stutter. Izzy, Vicky, Kyndra and JJ whip theur heads around and look at me in shock. I look at all of them and then stare at him. I cant believe he's in my p.e class. I mean seriously? First its Luke and now this? "I-its.. he's.. it's Ashton."

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