Chapter 3

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Ok guys so idk what happened to chapter one and all but it'll be ok so heres chapter 3. ENJOY!

Chapter 3

I took a deep breath and hitched my book-bag and gym bag on my back. As I took my first steps into my math classroom, I 'observed my peers'. As I looked around the room I noticed a few familiar faces. I saw my moms boss' son, my moms co-workers son (who was REALLY hot) my friend Jacob and a few of his friends who, sadly, I knew very well. I saw another person I knew, her name was Vic. She was JJ's cousin and she was really cool too. I shifted the weight of my bags and continued slowly walking towards Vic. Then I saw Luke. Standing right where I was walking towards. "Omigosh omigoosh!" I was internally and silently freaking out but kept slowly walking. "Hey Lillie!", Vic finally noticed me and looked much happier as she called out to me. "Hey," she said as I walked up to her, "I'm so glad you're here!" "Why?" I asked my eyes never leaving Luke who was standing less than 5 feet away from me, but was behind Vic. "Because," she began, "Look at all these prissy sophomores standing around here!" I looked around, she was right. But as soon as I had done another quick scan, I turned my attention back to where Luke was still standing and talking to the teacher. I got my stuff out and sat down in the second seat towards the front, in the farthest row from the door. Vic sat in front of me and Jacob sat behind me and all his friends sat in the row next to us. Except some certain Australian boy sat in the front seat of that row! AH! I was slowly dying inside and JJ's "Have fun" comment wasn't necessarily coming true! As I was looking at Luke he turned around and caught me staring. He just smiled and put his fingers to his lips, signaling for me not to say anything. I blushed and quickly looked away. How did he know that I knew who he was?! Or did he even know? Did he just do that to pick on me because he knows that I know? WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?! Jacob tapped on my shoulder and I turned around. "Did that guy just tell you to 'shh'?" he asked with a confused look on his face, "because you didn't say anything." "Uhm," I wasn't sure how to respond to that because he had a point, "Uhm... yeah, why?" I said with a 'duh' look on my face. "Oh ok I was just wondering," he began, "because I've never seen him around before. Is he new? Do you know him?" Oh my gosh, here he goes with the overprotective questions again! He's had a little crush on me ever since I had another class with him last "Yes he's new, and no I do not know him personally." I answered his questions as best I could with a stern looking face. "Ok, well if you don't know him personally then why is he looking back here at you now?" I spun around as quick as I could and there he was, looking at me. He just winked and turned around in his seat. I sat there in shock as Jacob said, "Now how do you explain that?" I slowly turned around and looked at him, "Jacob," I slowly began, "I honestly do not know what the heck just happened. So I'm just gonna turn around here in my seat and talk to Vic up here like nothing ever happened, ok?" He just looked at me, shrugged and said, "Ok, whatever you say Lillie." I turned around and prepared myself to stare out into space and do nothing but think about what just happened, when Vic turned around almost automatically as I got settled and started talking about her and her girlfriend. The whole time she was talking I wasn't paying attention and she never noticed. Then I realized she had been quiet for a while and I snapped out of it very quickly wondering what got her to stop talking. Then I saw that the teacher had walked in and had been talking. But for how long? I looked down at my phone underneath me desk, it said it was 8:10. She had been talking for 10 minutes and I hadn't heard a single word of it! Oops... Oh well!

"Ok class!" she said. She is way to peppy for a Monday, but that'll fizzle out sooner or later. "Let's go up to the library to get our calculators and then we'll come back and get started by introducing ourselves! But first you can leave your stuff over by the wall over there and do a bag drop over there every morning!" She pointed to the wall that my row was sitting next to. Everybody got up and put their bags against the wall, including me. As I set my bag down and turned around to walk back to my seat or the door, whichever came first, I ran into somebody really tall.

"I'm so sorry," they said. I didn't even have to look up to tell who I ran into, after hearing that amazing accent of his. I slowly looked up at him and was getting ready to say 'It's ok' when he pulled me into a hug. I was in such shock and was so confused I couldn't think straight. He pulled me closer and whispered in my ear," You know who we are don't you?" He pulled away and I then realized as I was standing there in front of him, that I wasn't breathing and hadn't been since he said 'sorry'. I looked up at him and nodded. "Good." He smiled at me and said, "So what lunch do you have this semester?" So many thoughts were running through my head and I could see Jacob staring at us from the corner of my eye. I took a deep breath, smiled and said, "Second lunch. What about you?" He smiled and said, "All of us guys have second lunch too love. Can we hang out with you and your friends today?"In my head all I could think was, "........... He called me love....... LUKE FRICKIN HEMMINGS CALLED ME LOVE!!!" I controlled my inner fangirl and said calmly, "Sure! My friends would love to meet you and the guys!" He chuckled a bit and said,"Ok love, but the rest of the class is heading to the door to go to the library. Don't you think we should join them?" I looked behind him and there was Vic getting up from he desk, waving violently at me to come along and walk with her. I giggled and looked back up at Luke, "Yeah, we should probably walk with them." I started walking towards the door and he grabbed my arm and said, "Hey love? I never got your name?" I looked down where he had ahold of my arm and then back up at him and smiled. He let go, "Sorry," he apologized again. I smiled even bigger, "It's ok.", I said, "and my name is Lillie by the way." "Lillie," he repeated it. It sounded so amazing when he said my name with that accent. "I'll have to remember that." he said, "But right now," he began, "I think your friend is wanting me to leave you alone so you can walk with her." he finished as he pointed behind me towards the door where Vic was standing looking very annoyed. I just laughed and we continued to walk to the door.The rest of the class was walking out of the building and was already headed to the main building. As we reached the door, I stopped so I could continue on with Vic, but Luke just kept on walking.

"So," Vic began,"who's your boyfriend that you almost left me for?" she was looking at me with a smirk on her face. "He's not my boyfriend Vic!" I exclaimed, "He's just an old friend of mine that I've not seen in forever!" She laughed. "Whatever you say Lillie!" she said punching me lightly in the arm as we continued walking. The girls are going to FREAK OUT when I tell them about this!

OMG! Ok so what did you think? PLEASE leave comments and tell me what you think! omg ok so im going to continue on from here tomorrow but then the weekend will be over so idk how its gona wrk bc my math teacher gives us SO MUCH FRICKN HMWRK!! so! i'll see how tht goes as soon as i get back to school and whatnot! I love you guys so much and thank you so much for reading!! xx


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