Chapter 6

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"What?!" Vicky exclaims. Shes a part of the 5SOS fam as well. "Its Ashton." I repeat, "hes in our p.e class." "Oooh you know him?" JJ asks with a glimmer in her eyes and smiling like a fool. "Yes JJ," I say, "but hes already taken."

"Aw really?" she moans dissapointedly.

"Yup", I say, "hes all Kiliah's."

"No way!" she stares at me in disbelief. I smirk at her, "Yup, hes ALL Kiley-Bear's."

"At least he will be when I'm done." I think to myself.

"Well if you know him go talk yo him." Izzy says

"Um.. okay.." I say unsurely as they watch me walk away.

As Im walking up to where he was standing with Keaton and Kassie, I get a bit nervous.

"Aw," I think to myself trying to calm my nerves, "they are such a cute couple together!"

I start to reconsider going to talk to him when he sees me coming, turns around and says, "Hi! You must be Lillie! Is it cool if I call you Lils?"

I just stand there in shock wondering how he knew who I was and what my name was.

He mustve noticed my confusion because he laughed. "Youre probably wondering how I knew who you were?" I nod, not able to catch my voice. "Come on over here now love." he says as he takes my arm gently and leads me over to the row of green bleachers a few feet over.

"How... when... why..." I cant seem to begin, let alone finish, a single question.

He chuckles, "Now I can see why youre friends with Luke."

A lightbulb goes off in my head. "Luke!" I exclaim, " He told you who I was didnt he?" He laughed again, he has a nice laugh. "Yep," he said, "He did and he told me you wanted to meet us all." I blush and look at the ground, "Yeah.." I say embaressedly, "Im kinda a big fan." I look up and hes smiling down at me. "I know Lils, Luke told me." "When did he tell you though?" I asked curiously. He was with me the whole time and Im pretty sure I would remember if we ever came in contact with Ashton before. "He texted me as soon as he brought you here." he said smiling and showing off his cute little dimples. "Of course he did." I say giggling and play rolling my eyes. He smiles at me and starts to say something when Coach call out for us to go get dressed in the locker rooms. "I'll talk to you after I get back up from the weightlifting room." Ash says.

"Wait," I begin, "youre doing weightlifting?"

He chuckles, " Yeah," he says grinning, " what did you think?"

We started walking across the gym to the door that leads to the downstairs locker rooms.

"I thought you was doing the p.e class." I say a bit disappointed.

"Dont worry," he says putting his arm around my shoulders, "you can still see me after and at lunch and when I walk you to your next class."

I look up at him and smile, "Its a deal."

We go our seperate ways into our locker rooms and when I get to the girls locker room, my girls are waiting for the details.

"OMG!" they exclaim as I set my bags down.

"Hes REALLY hot!" Izzy says.

I laugh, "Remember guys, hes Kilahs."

As they continue talking about Ash, I slide into my gym cloths and throw my bags into a locker.


We make our ways up the stairs and to the gym, expecting the worst to come. Coach makes us get into pairs of two. Me with JJ, Izzy with Vicky, and Kyndra with Kassie. I look down the side of the court and see Ash with Ricardo.

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