Chapter 8

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la la la la! la la la la! ELMOS WORLD! OKAY guyyyyzz so its time fo chapta ayyyte! Aha! So this is gonna be SMASHTASTIC! AND its in Lils POV this tiiiime! :D



After that strangely amazing experience with Mikey and Tonya, us girls followed the hyper Mikey downstairs to get pizza. We walked down the stairs laughing st the most random things.

When we got down to the bottom, Michael was standing there looking lost.

"Do you not know where to go?" I asked him.

"No clue.." he says which makes me and Tonya laugh even more.

Then we spot Kilah walking in with her bright red hair and we wave her over.

When she gets there she looks at Michael, then at me and Tonya, then up at Mikey, and back to us.

"You know what?" she begins, "I'm not even going to ask, I will just enjoy."

She then starts laughing at herself.

She is a strange one..

We all walk into the cafeteria when Michael say for us to hold up.

"What is it Mikey?" Tonya asks.

"Where are the other guys?" he says while looking around.

"I don't know Mikey," I begin, "maybe they'll show up in a few."

And then I see Luke slowly coming up behind Michael. He put his finger to his lips and signals me to shh.

I giggle and start talking to Mikey in order to distract him.

"Sooo... Michael." I begin but Luke has already pounced.


Both Mikey and Tonya scream as she jumps into him and he grabs her. They look at each other for a second, and then let go of each other, both of them blushing.

Luke is behind them laughing so hard that I'm afraid he's going to hurt himself. But, I'm laughing just as hard.

I give Luke a high-five as we're laughing. Tonya and Mikey though, they don't look to happy. And Kilah, she just looks confused.

Then Kilah screeches and jumps five feet in the air. Apparently, Ash came up behind her and tickled her.

When they looked at each other, I could feel the same sparks as I did with Mikey and Tonya. But being as rambunctious as they both are, it didn't take long for conversation to strike.

Then I feel somebody tap me on my shoulder and I turn around to see Calum standing there. I look up at him and I immediately feel queezy. My legs felt like jello and my stomach knotted up inside. I couldn't make words come out of my mouth.

Tonya kicked me in the back of the knee causing me to fall forward onto Calum who in turn, caught me.

"Be careful there Lillie." he said smiling down at me.

I laugh nervously, "Sorry!" I say.

I turned around and glare at Tonya who smiled sweetly at me. I look at Luke for a second and he winks at me.

Ugh.. looks like this is all on me.

"So," Calum begins still looking at me, "who wants to go get some food?"


"OH MY GOSH! THAT LINE TOOK FOREEEVER!" Mikey complains as we find a seat. We all sit at a small table next to the wall.

I'm sitting in between Calum and Luke with Tonya and Mikey sitting across from us and Kilah and Ash are sitting beside of them.

Apparently JJ ended up having first lunch so she wasn't there with us.

"Oh well, I'll just have to fill her in later." I think.

As we all sit and eat and are chatting about random things, Luke comes up with the idea of playing 20 questions.

"Why don't you start first Lillie?" he says elbowing me lightly.

I laugh and say "Okayy.. Calum!" he looks at me and smiles when say his name.

I continue with the question, "What is your favorite colour?"

He smiles, "Baby blue and what's yours?"

I smile back and blush, "My favorite colour is probably." I think for a second, "black." I say.

And it keeps on going from there...

Apparently Calum once had his lip pierced, prefers pancakes over waffles and like brunettes. Luke can play soccer an snowboard, he farts the most (ew) and his favorite number is 7. Michael has never been to a concert before his own, is a single child, and his favorite word is 'cheeseburger'. Ashton's worst fears are needles and having his wrists broken, his favorite colour is red, and has a brother and a sister.

"What class do you have next Lillie?" Calum asks

"History," I say, "with Ms. Hawkins."

He looks at me with an amused look on his face, "Really now?", he asks.

"Yeah," I say, "whyyy?"

He smiles at me, "Because that's my next class."

"Oh my gosh, really?!" I exclaim getting excited.

He chuckled, "Heck yeah," he began, "let me walk with you there."

I blush at the thought of him offering to spend time with ME of all people.

"Uh yeah," I begin, "that's perfectly fine with me."

"Great!" he says, "you'll just have to direct me there because I have no idea where I'm going."

"Hey no prob Bob!" I exclaim smiling at him while still  blushing.

"Uh hey Lillie?" 

"Yeah?" I look back to see who was calling me. It was Tonya. 

"The bell just rang to end lunch," she said, "you still haven't dumped your tray in the garbage."

"Oh! Right, thanks." I smile at her and she just gives me her look and motions towards Calum and winks at me. 

I roll my eyes and stand up from the table.

"Come on  Calum," I say, "let's throw our garbage away and then we can go around the back way to go to class."

He smiles and agrees as we walk to the garbage can. 

"I can't believe it... I've met all of 5 Seconds of Summer in less than a day and they all like me? This has to be a dream..."

"So where do we go now?" Calum asks me snapping me out of thought. 

I smile really big and decide to take a chance.

Grabbing his hand I look him dead in the eyes.

"Follow me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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