"Don't you have any idea how much I actually fucking love you." I feel my eyes watering, but quickly wipe my tears away.
"You can't just do that. You can't just say you love me when you lie to me. I can't trust you like that."
Lexa an...
A/n I know that the characters may not look 17 years old, but it's very hard to find good characters okay. I hope you don't care :)
Lexa (Nanda Weskott)
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Sean (Luke Powell)
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POV Lexa (15th November): 'What the hell?! Who's that?.' I groan and try to get my blanket of the ground, but because I'm not realy awake yet I fall on the floor.
"Ouch!" I scream. I fall with my head right on my nightstand.
I can now see who woke me up. Sean. My 17 year old twinbrother.
"I'm trying to sleep here. Jesus!"
"Come on, don't be such a pussy!"
"Don't call me that you asshole!"
I try to get up, but I immediatly feel a painful sting in my head.
"Ouch! Because of you I might have a concussion or something.
"You're totally over-estamating it. You didn't even fall on a corner."
I get up and walk towards the window. Snowflakes are falling out of the sky. It would look beautiful if we weren't living in an orphanage straight across a dumpster.
"Why are you always so negative? It's officially winter now."
"That's not really true..."
Sean interrups me before I can explain.
"Don't be smart. It doesn't evan matter. We'll never get a good education after high school."
I have to agree with him. Miss Golding will never loan us money to go to university or college. Sean even has a better chance than me. He could get a scholarship, because he is very good at basketball. He would be captain of his team if the coach's son wouldn't be in the team. Also called: Jeffrey. I don't like him.
I have straight A's on my school report, but it doesn't really matter. I will never go to University. It's just too expensive. I have two jobs, but they don't give me enough money.