part 12.

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POV: Dion

I'm taking the bus to Sean and Lexa's school, because we have to get to Lexa's friend for the Secret Santa thing. I don't know if I bought good presents, but we'll work with it. They're at school, because they have some kind of school project they needed to work on at school. I don't know why you would do during the holidays, but I won't judge.

I actually haven't made that many friends at college, but Lexa and Sean are very nice in 'particular' Sean, he's pretty cute.

I take some pictures on my way to the school. Everything looks so different then Italy. The houses are very cool. There are taxi's everywhere. It's just cool to photograph them.

When I hear the busdriver say: "59'th street." I know I need to get out.  I still have to walk for 10 minutes to get to the school. On my way there I take some pictures of the streets, it's very cool to see all the small houses on the sides of road.

Then someone yells at me: "Hey, can we have some privacy here?!" It's a girl with long dreadlocks and ripped jeans on. She also has a nose piercing.

I look at who she's talking to. It's a guy, he looks pretty cute. I look closely, the guy is putting marijuana in his bag.

"What are you selling there?" I ask them

"It's none of your business." The girl says

"Come on Fay, don't be so rude. Maybe he wants to buy something." The guy says, he's smiling at me. It's not a nice smile, it's a kind of creepy smile.

"No thanks." I say trying to sound casual. My heart is beating faster than before

"You should try it." The guy keeps on talking.

"I said, no thanks." I say a but louder now

The guy holds his hands in the air like he's being arrested and says: "Okay, okay. I'm sorry man. What's your name?" The guy says

I don't really want him to know my name. Why would he want to know.

"I'm Fay and this is Brian. Brian is very stoned, so don't mind him." The girl interrups our conversation

"You sure you don't want anything?" Fay says "It helps you calm down. You look a little... tense."

I shake my head once again: "No, I don't want anything from you. Bye." I say and I walk away from them. They were pretty weird, why would you be dealing drugs in the middle of the day.

I walk further and after a few minutes I see the school from a distance.

The High School looks just like those American High School movies. It is very big building with 3 fields next to it: an athletics course, a basketball field and a football field. In Italy we don't have that, we just had sports classes outside of school.

 There are some people on the fields and some people are just talking each other at next to the school. I walk towards the school and take some pictures of it.

I enter the school. There aren't any people inside the halls, so I grab my phone to text Lexa.

"Hey Dion!" I hear Lexa yell. She's walking towards me with another girl.

I walk towards them and say: "Hey, are you done?"

"Oh, yeah. I'll go get Sean." She says


I wait for her at the lockers. After a few minutes I see them walking towards me together. God, Sean is so hot. Why does he have a boyfriend?

"Do you have a lot of stoners at your school?" I ask Lexa.

"I only know one. Her name is Fay, but she doesn't do drugs. She only sells it." Lexa answers

"Hmm..." I say, the girl I saw was Fay. The guy said her name.
When we get to Anna's appartment. (That's Lexa's friend, I think.) Anna opens the door. "Welcome to my humble aboad. Don't mind the mess." She says with a big smile on her face. She has her crazy curls wrapped in a (very) messy bun, but it still looks good.

"Hi, I'm Dion." I say and shake her hand.

"Hi Dion, I'm Anna. Very nice to meet you." She says, I notice she's checking me out. I grin.

When we get inside Sean and his boyfried are already inside.

"Dion, this is Brian, Sean's boyfriend." Lexa says and smiles at Brian.
It's him. It's the guy who tried to sell me drugs. Shit. This is not good.

I see that Brian realizes it too. "Nice to meet you Dion." He says and shakes my hand. I'm still really confused, but Brian doesn't  seem to mind. Does Sean know this? No, he probably doesn't. He said he hated drugs. Shit, shit, shit.

I don't know if I should tell Sean. He would be devastated, but I can't keep this to myself, right?

I walk inside Anna's livingroom and Brian follows me. He comes closer and whispers: "We need to talk, outside." I nod and Lexa looks at us with a confused look.

I walk outside and Brian follows me. Lexa stays in the livingroom with Lexa.

"You can't tell him." Brian says when we're outside.

"I have to." I say and Brian turns red.

"Fuck. No you can't, he will hate me. He will dump me and I can't take that, I can't." Brian says and grabs his head.

"How could you keep that from him?" I say

"I just.. I don't know. I knew he would never want to see me again if I told him."

"I won't tell him, but I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it, because I know Sean would break and I don't want to do that to him. Understand?" I say and Brian exhales deeply.

"Thank you, thank you. I, I…."

"You're gonna stop with de drugs. I know it's hard, but you need to. The longer this will go on, the more Sean will get upset." I say and Brian nods.

"I'll try, I promise I'll try." Brian says

"Good, now let's celebrate Christmas." I say and walk inside the appartment again

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