Part 8.

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POV: Lexa

It's been a whole month since I've seen Nathan. He hasn't been going to work on my artpiece and I've got to say. I'm pretty sad about it.

Christmas break has just started and I've been even more lonely than usual. Anna is on holiday with her family in South Africa. She said that one day I'd come with her, but that day hasn't come yet.

Also Sean hasn't been home that much. He's always with his new boyfriend Brian.

Don't get me wrong. I like Brian. He's amazing actually. I haven't seen Sean as happy as this in forever.

On the bright side I've got to work on my piece a lot and I'm almost done with it.

Right now I'm just drawing in my sketchbook. Maybe for new art pieces. I just need to spend my time doing this to get my mind of of things. It helps me relax.
After an hour of drawing I finally stop, because my fingers are getting sore.

I grab my phone and see that I've gotten a text from Sean.

'Hey Lex, I'm not coming home tonight. C u tomorrow. Love ya.' It says

I wasn't really counting on him coming home. If I were him I'd stay at Brian's house too. Sean told me he is pretty rich.

I put my pencils back in my pencilcase and zip it. It's already pretty late, the sun is nearly setting.

Then all of the sudden I hear the doorbell ring.

"Emma get to the door!" I yell and drop myself on my bed.

"Yeah!" Emma shouts back and I hear her running down the stairs.

"He says he needs you!" Emma shouts back.

I sigh and walk down the stairs. When I get down I see who it is.

"Nathan?" I say and frown. Where the hell did he come from all of the sudden. His face has some bruises and there's a cut above his right eye.

"Hey Lexa. Are you coming out?" He says

I sigh and say: "Okay."

I walk towards him and we walk away together. "Bye Emma, I think I won't be there for dinner." I say and Emma nods

We're walking for a few minutes now and we both haven't said anything.

"Where the hell have you been?" I say to break the ice

"Just... I've been busy." He says, his eyes widen a little and he presses his nails into his knuckles.

"You've got bruises on your face." I say and stop walking.

"Don't worry about it." He says and touches his bruise.

"Don't say that. You can't just show up at my doorstep after a month and just expect me to not worry about you."

"I'm sorry. I really can't tell you. It's a bit personal."

I sigh "If you are a secret agent. I'm not really into that stuff." I grin

Nathan chuckles and looks at me. "Don't worry about me. I'll be allright." He says and touches my shoulder.

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