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POV: Lexa (November 15th 2017)

I decided to skip my two last classes. English and History, I don't really like them anyway.

I walk to my locker and put my books in it. I already see Anna running towards.

"Hurry up! It's already 1 o'clock" She looks very excited.

I've never been that excited for shopping. I just like spending time with friends.

"Why didn't you just skip the whole day. We would have more time." She continues

"Don't worry, we have enough time left." I say while closing my locker and locking it.

"Let's go!" I say and we walk outside of the school.
(20 minutes later)

When we arrive at the mall we step out of Anna's car. It's very cold and I'm still only wearing my jacket and my broken sneakers. Anna sees that I'm very cold.

"Come! Let's go inside. You're freezing." She says

I nod and we walk to the entrance. The first store we see is the Goodwill.

"Let's go to the Goodwill." I say. I always like it there and not only because it's very cheap. Sean and I always search for the weirdest second-hand clothes and then we need to wear them. It's very funny.

"Okay, but only if I can pick an outfit for you." She says smiling.

I nod. "Fine, but please no bright colours. You know I don't like that."

"I won't promise anything." She smirks

I shake my head smiling. Anna always wants it her way.
We're a few minutes in the Goodwill and I've found some cool stuff. I like wearing clothes that have already been used. I always wonder what those people were like.

"Lex! I've found the perfect outfit for you!" She runs towards me with a little dress, a denim jacket, some tights and leather boots.

It looks like something I'd wear exept the dress. I don't really wear dresses that much, because it's not easy to run away in them and you need to ve able to run when you do graffiti.

"Try it on!" She almost jumps up and down.

I laugh and nod. "Okay, why do you always get so excited about clothes?"

"It's just fun."

I grin and Anna hands me the clothes. I walk towards the fittingrooms. Every single one is free, because it's still 13.35. Everyone is at school or at work.

I get in one of the fittingrooms and put on the outfit. The dress fits me very well, because it doesn't have a waist it's very confortable. There isn't a mirror inside of the fittingroom so I open the curtain. Anna jumps up and down whilst clapping her hands.

"You look amazing!"

"You look amazing!"

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