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"Hey turtle, how's it thanging?" Brian says through the phone. I can almost feel his smirk dripping of his face.

"Stop calling me that. You know I was nervous that day." I say and try to hide my giggle.

What? I'm 'giggling' now? This can't get any weirder.

"I know that, but I just like to annoy people." He says and chuckles at the end. How can his chuckle even be cute?

"You're unbelievable."

"I know you like that about me." He says

"That's the unbelievable thing."

Brian laughs and says: "Well turtle, did you have an important message I needed to recieve at this... cloudy afternoon?" He says with a posh accent. (Wich he sucks at)

"You're so bad at that." I say and giggle again.

I really need to stop with the giggling. It's actually making me sick.

"At what?" He says with an even worse accent

"Nevermind." I chuckle and open my maths book. I search for the subject I didn't understand.

"But what's the matter?" Brian says with his normal voice

"It's maths. Again." I say and sigh deeply

"Oh honey. Is it that formula again?" He says

"Yup, how the fuck do people understand this? It's like discovering an entire fucking formula about some triangles I don't care about." I sigh even deeper

"Let's not get aggressive. Maths didn't do anything to you." He says

I chuckle and say: "How can you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"Make me laugh, even when I'm having a fucking nervous breakdown?"

"It's a gift." He says with his bad posh accent again

"I told you, you were bad at that. Stop it." I say and chuckle again

"I'm amazing at it and you know it!" He says and laughs

"Okay, okay, but I really need help on this formula." I say

"Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes." He says


"No probs Turtle." He says and before I can object he hangs up the phone. I drop myself in my chair and smile.

I look at the wall and suddenly realise something. Something that's... I don't know. Maybe it's not easy to explain.

Fuck it. It's really easy to explain.

Shit, I'm just really fucking in love with this guy.

The way he smiles at me when I call him babe,

The way he smirks when he makes a joke,

The way his dimples just deepen a little when he smiles,

The way his eyes twitch when he talks about his passions

Everything. I love everything about this weird guy. Where the hell do these feelings come from all at once. This isn't how my life's supposed to happen.

I was just gonna stay single all the time.  I wasn't going to fall in 'love'. That's nothing for me. I don't believe in love, well I didn't believe in love...

Love was just some thing people made up to feel better about theirselves. Just to believe in something beautiful that would make their live's better.

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